Chapter 25

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Paul was amazed by the sight of his boyfriend finally standing on his own.

He was shaking, legs weak and he was struggling to take steps; but he was standing!

He was heavily holding onto some crutches which were wrapped around his elbows and forearms.

John was crying, hair wet with sweat and his breath was harsh; Mimi was behind him, holding a hand against his back.

"Johnny, good, good, take a step. Yes, small steps" she was softly whispering, looking at him.

Paul's eyes lowered to the boy's legs, seeing him take small shaky steps.

The click click clicking sound of the crutches resounded through the room, before Paul heard a loud hiccup.

He looked as John's face contorted in pain and his knees buckled. His weak arms weren't strong enough to hold him, so he would have fallen if it wasn't for Mimi.

She lifted him back onto his feet, cooing as John started crying. It saddened Paul so much, hearing John cry like that, almost like a small child.

Mimi quickly lifted him up, cradling him quietly, while one hand was massaging the trembling, tight muscles in a circle motion.

"Good, we've seen some improvements!" said happily Dr. Shepherd, before going away with the physiotherapist.

"John love, you've done so good" whispered Paul, sitting on the side of the bed and grabbing the boy's cold hand. John's eyes opened a little, tears still trapped into his long lashes. He shook his head a little, but Paul nodded, "You did"

John sniffled a little more, cuddling himself into the bedsheets, hugging Elvis in his arms. He was used to his routine now, not even embarrassed too much when he needed to be cleaned up whenever he was doing physical therapy.

According not only by the physiotherapist, but also by Mimi and Dr. Shepherd, movement was extremely useful to help bowel movements.

Mimi changed him in a matter of seconds, cooing and praising him for how good he was at walking.

John was slipping into unconsciousness again, it was a big big physical effort on his weak and struggling body.

Mimi checked that the IV's were still in the right place, checking that John was comfortable.

"He's improving, isn't he?" Paul was so emotional at the moment. He sat down onto the bed again, hand curling into his soft curls.

Mimi's smile was warm and soft, "He is. Though, Paul...he won't be completely alright" she said softly.

The man nodded, "The doctor had said he might need crutches forever. But it's not a problem, really"

"He's lucky to have met you, y'know?"

"Well, I'm lucky to have met him too. He taught me a lot of things. He taught me how to be strong" Paul's voice was soft as he kept stroking his head.

Yeah, John wasn't going to be completely alright. But he wasn't alone.

"Sweetie, wake up. It's time for supper"

John's eyes opened slowly, lashes still stuck together. He blinked a few times, feeling his eyelids grow heavy again.

His limbs were hurting a lot and his stomach was pulsing angrily. His head felt thousands of bricks heavy, brain pulsing.

He groaned weakly, mouth opening a little, drool bursting out from his chapped lips. He coughed, body spasming and chest burning as he tried to clear his lungs.

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