Part 7

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[Dhruv's POV Continued]

I'm grappling with how to act or behave in this situation. Everything is unfolding unexpectedly and at an alarming pace. My mind is a whirlwind of confusion, struggling to process the whirlwind of events.

Though my connection with Mira and Tara is minimal, and I lack any personal relation to them, I can't help but feel a heavy weight in my chest. Witnessing them in this dire condition evokes an inexplicable sadness, and I find myself on the verge of tears.

I directed Noah to be by Mira's side, sensing that she needs him desperately, while I stationed myself near the reception area, awaiting the doctor's arrival.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally emerged. I motioned him towards Tara's location, informing Noah and Mira of his arrival. The doctor conducted his examination and conveyed the disheartening news that Tara's condition is critical, prompting the need for tests to confirm her diagnosis.

Mira's devastation was palpable; words seemed to escape her, leaving Noah to handle the conversation with the doctor. Once he finished, the doctor departed, and Noah decided to go get the tests done. I stopped him, insisting that Mira needed his support more than ever, and volunteered to handle the tests myself.

And so, I find myself here, keeping watch over Tara as the intimidating medical equipment surrounds her.

As I reflect on the events that transpired earlier, the sequence of events plays over and over in my mind. From the moment I stepped outside to check on her to discovering her unconscious state and subsequently taking action, the timeline unfolds like a heart-wrenching movie. I'm no detective, yet I can't help but wonder what led to Tara's current condition. Her tear-stained cheeks are etched in my memory, and I long to understand the pain she's enduring.

I'm acutely aware of Mira's profound love for Tara, and reciprocally, Tara's importance in Mira's life. I can't bear the thought of Mira losing her cherished friend. It's a feeling I know all too well—the helplessness of watching your best friend's life hang in the balance. A pang of empathy courses through me, driving my desire to ensure Tara's recovery for the sake of their bond and for the sake of humanity itself.

"Are you with the patient?" a nurse's voice interrupts my thoughts.

I snap out of my trance, momentarily disoriented. "Uh, yes, yes, I'm her...her friend," I reply, my voice wavering.

"The tests are complete, and you'll receive both reports in 30 minutes. Before that, we need to move her to a room, and you'll have to fill out this form," the nurse explains, handing me the necessary paperwork. I complete the form and even pay for the room and tests from the little cash I have on hand.

After notifying Noah and Mira of the room number, we're joined by Mira's parents, their presence providing some much-needed adult support. Noah and I greet them, and I witness Mira's emotional reunion with her mother. Mira's father inquires about the expenses, and despite my attempts to decline his offer, he insists I accept the money as a reward for saving his daughter.

His words resonate with me in an unexpected way, stirring a sense of responsibility within me. It's a new and surreal feeling—one that momentarily lessens the pain of the current situation.

As we await the test reports and Tara's condition remains precarious, a profound uncertainty looms, shrouding us all in a cloud of worry and anticipation.

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