Part 4

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My phone rang, and I answered with a lump in my throat, "Hello! Tara, are you there?" It was my dad's voice, the one I hadn't heard in a month.

"Yes, Dad," I replied, trying to sound composed despite my emotions.

"Tara, my kid, how are you?" His voice held a mixture of warmth and concern.

"I'm good, Dad. How are you? When are you coming to visit me?"

"I'm also good. I'll come to visit you soon, my child."

"I'll be waiting," I said, my heart skipping a beat at the thought of seeing him again. But the anticipation quickly gave way to worry as he spoke up again, "Tara, I've something really important to tell you. Promise me you'll listen to me and do as I say."

Curiosity occupied me, I asked, "What's it, Dad?"

"First promise me you'll do as I say," he insisted.

"Okay, I promise I'll do as you say," I said, feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

"Tara, hide. Don't come to India ever. Don't call me or text me. Don't answer calls from private or unknown numbers. Don't believe anyone who says I sent them. Just trust your friends, child. You can't try to contact me from your side. I'll reach out to you when the time is right, if I'm still alive."

I was stunned, practically shouting into the phone, "Stop, Dad! What are you talking about?"

"Tara, my child, they're trying to find you. They might hurt you or do something worse. They'll ruin your life if you let them. If you trust me, please follow my instructions."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I cried out, "But Dad, you're my only family. How can you ask me to cut off contact with you? What will I do without you?"

"Beta, remember that you're strong, just like your mother. You have big dreams to achieve at any cost. As for family, you still have me. It's just a matter of time. You have Mira and her family with you – they're your family too. You'll meet more people in your life who'll be loyal and feel like family. Open your heart, my child. Always remember, I believe in you and love you."

I sobbed uncontrollably, unable to hold back the flood of emotions. "Dad, I don't know what to say. Why are you doing this? Who are they? How long will it take? Will you contact me sometimes? Can't I even write you letters?"

He answered with a calm assurance, "Don't worry, Tara. Everything will go on as usual – your education, your lifestyle, our relationship. Just for a while, we have to stop talking. Trust me, my child. I'll make things right. You just need to do as I say. Understand?"

Desperation filled my voice as I pleaded, "Dad, please don't do this. Is it really that important? Can't we just run away to another country together?"

"Tara, I'll answer all your questions when I come back. For now, goodbye, my child." And then he hung up, leaving me standing there, heartbroken and filled with a mix of emotions that I could barely comprehend.

As the weight of my dad's words sank in, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Universe took away my mom from me, and now my dad too?

Why was the universe conspiring against me?Just when I had found a sliver of happiness, it was yanked away. I sank to my knees, tears streaming down my face in a torrent.

The world felt like a cruel, desolate place as I lay there, my thoughts a storm of confusion and despair. My head spun, and before I knew it, darkness engulfed me as I collided with something hard.

Quatervoisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें