Part 6

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[Mira's POV]

I sat in the ambulance next to Tara, her unconscious form on the stretcher. If it weren't for Dhruv, I shuddered to think about what could have happened.

He had found Tara lying unconscious outside the restaurant and immediately called for an ambulance.

I had no idea what had caused this, whose call she had received, or why she was in this state, but what I did know was that Tara was my lifeline, my confidante, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

Each second felt like an eternity as the ambulance rushed towards the hospital. The sight of Tara, normally strong and unyielding, lying there so vulnerable, broke my heart. My tears flowed freely, unstoppable. Unlike Tara, I couldn't hide my emotions; I wore them on my sleeve, and right now, I was a mess of worry and fear.

Finally, we arrived at the hospital. Tara was swiftly taken into the emergency compartment. Dhruv, Noah, and I followed, anxious and desperate for answers. But the scene that greeted us was chaotic – many patients and no doctor in sight. We managed to secure a bed, but still, there was no one to attend to Tara.

Desperation clawed at me as I turned to Noah for some reassurance. "What are we going to do?"

Noah had just spoken to the head nurse. He sighed and replied, "We talked to her. She said the doctor will be here soon."

Everything felt surreal and bewildering. "Life is full of unexpected things, Mira," Noah comforted me, his head resting on my shoulder. "Without pain, you can't truly feel joy. Our lives would be colorless without challenges. So face it and fight it. Crying and complaining won't help."

I breathed in Noah's words, finding a sliver of strength amidst the chaos. He squeezed my hand, an anchor of support, and kissed my forehead, a silent promise that we'd weather this storm together.

Noah's presence provided an unexpected comfort. His understanding was like a balm to my worried heart. Sitting beside me, he knew I didn't have to voice my fears; they were mirrored in his eyes. The warmth of his head resting on my shoulder felt like an unspoken promise that he was there for me, just as he was for Tara.

"I don't know what's happening," I whispered, my voice trembling as I gazed at Tara's still form. Her face, usually so strong, was now so pale and vulnerable.

Noah's grip on my hand tightened. "Life throws curveballs, Mira. And sometimes, they hurt. But you're not alone in this."

Tara wasn't just my best friend; she was my sister in all but blood. We'd faced the world together, shared secrets, and lifted each other up when life knocked us down. Seeing her lie there, unconscious and fragile, shattered me.

My love for her was boundless, an unbreakable connection that had weathered every storm. I remembered the countless sleepovers, laughter-filled afternoons, and heart-to-heart talks we'd shared. Tara was my pillar of strength, my anchor, and the thought of losing her was unbearable.

Tears blurred my vision as I reached out and gently brushed a strand of Tara's hair away from her face. "Come on, Tara," I whispered, my voice breaking. "You can't leave me like this. You can't just give up."

Noah's arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me close. His silent support gave me the strength to hold back my sobs, but I couldn't hide the tremor in my voice as I continued, "She's been through so much already, Noah. Losing her mom, the struggles she's faced... She's fought so hard, and she can't lose now. She just can't."

Noah's hand rubbed soothing circles on my back. "We won't let her give up, Mira. She's strong, and so are you. We'll be here for her every step of the way."

The weight of his words, the understanding in his eyes, eased some of my turmoil. It was as if he saw the depths of my pain and shared in my determination. My gaze returned to Tara, my heart aching as I thought about the incredible friend lying in that hospital bed.

Minutes felt like hours, but finally, Dhruv's voice broke the tension. "Guys, the doctor is here."

As the doctor examined Tara, I clasped Noah's hand tightly. Our fingers intertwined, a gesture of solidarity and hope.

My love for Tara, my fierce determination to see her through this, burned brighter than ever. Noah's unwavering presence beside me was a reminder that we weren't alone in this fight.

Together, we would stand strong, united by our love for Tara and our unbreakable bond.

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