Just A "Little More"

Start from the beginning

He shrugged, "If he keeps bothering you..." he trailed off, looking back at Aiden with a guarded expression. I sighed and shook my head at him, "I got it." I assured him. If push comes to shove, I could handle myself. 

It didn't take long until we have arrived at the warehouse. The others were stretching their stiff limbs while I stood beside Nicholas, helping him with our things. Nicholas is a puppet and sheep but he doesn't bother me that much so he's tolerable. But what's intolerable is the way Aiden squeezed between us and hovered over me for a second, a smirk in his face. I was about to elbow him when Glenn spoke up. 

"Check all the exits first so there's a plan if things go south." 

I looked up at Aiden and glared before stepping away from him, harshly shoving him with my arm. Glenn nodded at me once as I walked towards him, my rifle tight and ready in my arms. Nicholas answered Glenn, "We already have. It's called going out the front." he answered cockily, looking to Aiden for validation. 

"Noah, heads up!" Tara's voice carried. 

We all looked at where she was pointing at and saw a walker coming towards us. We all stayed still and watched as Noah put a bullet in its head with ease. I smiled proudly and nodded at him, he's doing good. Aiden looked at me before giving Noah a rifle, "Look at you with the aim." he complemented, nodding at Noah as well. 

He then turned to Nicholas and informed him of the plan; that we were gonna check our perimeter to know our exits just in case things went bad. I almost lifted my brow as I listened in on Aiden take in Glenn's suggestion without malice and sarcasm. Nicholas stared at Aiden in awe for a moment before frowning silently. We all separated into two and I followed behind Nicholas only to be stopped by Aiden. 

"Hey, Aliya." he called out, his tone hesitant. I stopped in my tracks at the same time Glenn did. He looked back at me and at Aiden, his eyes asking me if he needed to step in. I just shook my head slightly before turning around to face Aiden. He was also looking at Glenn before he looked down at me, "I just wanted to apologise for being a prick the other day." he started off. "You didn't deserve that, that was inexcusable." he ended. 

I didn't know what to think of his apology, how I should react. He does seem sincerely apologetic but I couldn't be too careful. He jerked his head towards the direction where Eugene and Tara disappeared to, "I'll see you later." he nodded, his face void of any malicious sneer. I nodded and wordlessly turned around to catch up with Glenn when I heard Aiden's voice, "Take care!" he called out before jogging away. 

Glenn and I went on about our task without talking about what just happened. It was just something that we both knew but refrained from speaking about. It was that blurry. We caught up with Noah in no time, his limp still there but faint while his rifle hung on his side. Glenn complemented his aim while I seconded his complement, proud of Noah's progress. 

I snorted a laugh when they talked about how close they both were with target practicing on Aiden. Me three. Glenn nudged my side with a knowing smile as I shook my head, too close to be exact. An image of Daryl's pissed off face flashed in my mind and I tensed up. We had agreed to tell each other about everything that's going on with us since that night. How should I tell him about Aiden's advances? It won't be pretty at all. 

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