Chapter 15- Zayne's Punishment.

Start from the beginning

The latter ignored him and proceeded to look around for any aid. He was met with a crowd of-fully-invested-in-this-interaction students and then me, looking around the corner, the tiniest bit concerned.

"Brynn! Get your stupid brother off me!" he ordered. He's not stupid.

I clenched my fists to my side and now had the entire hallways attention on me. Silas turned his head around, not with any particular expression on his face.

I raised my arms in a shrug like manner, my lips in an awkward smile.

Silas smirked and turned back to Malcolm, who now looked completely petrified.

However, it seemed that close death didn't help him keep his mouth shut. "Get the fuck off me, you twats! Your whole family's a bunch of freaks!" Silas jaw ticked and pushed him harder into the lockers. He was probably reminding himself that he can't, in fact, punch a twelve year old in the face.

"Fucking pussies!" he screamed at Zach and Zaiden, who both stood with their arms crossed, completely unfazed.

"Fucking bitch!" he then screamed at me.

Zach and Zaiden uncrossed their arms, going for him. I stepped forward to try and stop whatever was going to happen- Malcolm may be annoying, but nobody deserved the wrath of three Verlice brothers- only to be stopped by another loud voice in the hallway.

"Mr Verlice!" the principal boomed at them. Everybody in the hallway jumped besides my brothers, whom all looked at him bored. Malcolm looked like relief itself.

"Put Mr Donover down this instant!" the principal ordered. Silas raised his eyebrow and did as he said. He removed his hands from his backpack, causing Malcolm to fall flat on his bum on the ground.

He groaned in pain as the principal gave Silas a disapproving look. "Everybody who is not a Verlice or Malcolm, please go to your next lessons." I looked at Zach with my eyebrows furrowed, did that include me?

Zach shook his head at me and signalled for me to go. I nodded and did as he wanted. Going around the corner, I bumped straight into Aubrey and Penny.

"That was amazing!" Penny whisper-yelled.

"Oh my god I was waiting for him to absolutely deck him," Aubrey punched her hand to mimic what she wanted to happen.

I looked back around the corner to find the hallway empty. What was going to happen to my brothers?

"They'll be alright. This happens a lot, don't worry about it," Penny tried to assure me."I'm not worried," I lied.

Penny and Aubrey nodded, obviously not believing me. "Here's your bag," Aubrey handed me the black backpack.

"Oh thanks," I said gratefully, I didn't even realise I forgot it. Penny held her now fixed art work up, "you saved it, oh my god I was terrified Mr Kine would batter me." I was glad I didn't have him, from what Penny and Aubrey have said, he sounds ruthless.

"Speaking of him, we should go to art now," Aubrey pointed out to Penny who agreed. They both looked at me, silently asking me if I was okay with them leaving. "Of course, the last thing we need is you two in detention," I joked.

"I have music now anyway so I'll text you guys later?" They nodded and we parted ways to our classes.

We didn't even use the instruments in music. The teacher just handed us these sheets to finish by the end of the lesson whilst she went on her phone. Year sevens weren't allowed to do much on the first few weeks I'd been told. We hadn't even had P.E properly yet or done any proper science experiments.

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