Chapter 15

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John p.o.v

I hated the idea of leaving Talia but I wasn't going to let anything happen to get dad or brother I've been killing vampires my whole life nearly. I know how they hunt, how they think and the way they fight. The pack will need me I couldn't defend my home or family but I won't let the vampires or rogues do the same thing here. I am behind Leo as we arrive at the border of the territory but we are in for a shock as we see rogues growling at us however standing in front of us is either rogue king or is it vampire king? And I don't smell any vampires but there were here.

Blake - who are you?

Sebastian - I am Sebastian, the Rogue king.

Sebastian - I am Sebastian, the Rogue king

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Sebastian - Rogue king

So he's the rogue king but where is the vampire king? Something isn't right.

Blake - you wanted to talk so speak.

Blake is standing right at the edge of the territory and Sebastian is right up in his face on the other side.

Sebastian - I thought you wanted to talk to me? And about.......(sniffing)

Blake - no I came here because you sent a message, what did you mean by it?

He suddenly stops and sniffs the air his mate must be nearby I can see that Alpha Blake is getting annoyed by the fact that this rogue hasn't answered him so he growls to get his attention.

Blake - answer me you fucking......wait you said that your name is Sebastian?

Sebastian - to answer your questions I sent you no message I received a message saying you wanted to talk about peace talk, And yes I did say my name is Sebastian.

He hands Blake a piece of paper for which he opens and reads Blake lets out a scoff then Beta Connor looks over his shoulder.

Connor - that's not the Alpha Kings handwriting.

Sebastian - what was your message?

Blake nods to Connor who hands him our message.

Sebastian - that's not my handwriting.

Blake - who gave you this message?

Sebastian - the vampire king Victor Fox.

My eyes widen it finally comes to me "VF" is Victor Fox the leader of the group that attacked my home all those news ago and the cunt I've been searching for Ghost starts to get annoyed in my head.

(Ghost - I want to sink my teeth into that bloodsucker!!!

John - you're not the only one Ghost)

Blake's voice brings me out of my mind link.

Blake - where is he?

Sebastian looks to the back of his rogues.

Sebastian - he was behind us.......

That's when I lost it.

John - it's was a fucking trap!!!

Before anyone could stop me I march over to the rogue king and grab his throat starting to choke him.

John - what did you fucking do?!

The rogues behind him start to growl even louder at me but I don't care his ere connect with mine then widen as his hands go onto mine to try and remove mine.

Sebastian - John?

I am taken back by this how does he know my name? but I don't let go of his throat as I ask him that question.

John - how do you know my name?

Sebastian - don't you remember me? Johnny?

"Johnny" why does that sound so familiar to me? I've not heard that name since........ Before I could say anything Ghosts voice come back through the mind link.

(Ghost - John something is wrong

John - what now?

Ghost - I have a feeling that.......)

His cut off by the sudden smell of smoke but before I could say anything Leo beats me to it.

Leo - dad I smell smoke.

Blake - what?!

Not waiting for anyone to say anything I let go of Sebastian and turn heel rushing back to the packhouse my mind was on Talia I can hear the others behind me as I run as fast as my legs can carry me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing the whole packhouse was on fire The warriors yell for their mates Morgan, Blaze and Axel have started to chant a spell for what I am not sure. I can suddenly hear faint screams which causes me to run towards the flames and break down the door to get in. I follow the sound all the way to the secret shelter entrance only to find that it's been chained shut as I go to grab the chain I feel weak and I know it's covered in wolfbane but the good thing about being an albino wolf is that we have a special ability that makes us immune to wolfbane but are still weakened by silver which is strange as fuck. But anyway I grab the chains a start to pull at them it's on tight but I use my strength pulling as hard as I can. As the chain starts to break I can feel the heat from the fire coming closer just then another pair of hands go onto the chain and a sound of someone in pain I look beside me to see Alpha Blake.

Blake - together!!

I nod and together we pull the chain right off the door, we get the door open then all the she-wolves and pups come running out we follow behind after Scarlett comes out that fucker locked them inside to be burned alive he's not getting away with this. Before we even get outside a heavy rain starts to pour down that must have been the spell the tribrids were doing they only put it around the packhouse tho. We all manage to get outside the warriors rush to their mates and pups I look around for Talia but I don't see her but what I do see is Scarlett crying into Blake's chest oh no please, don't i go over to them and Raven is also crying into Azrael chest.

John - Luna where is Talia? What happened?

She looks to me her face is full of sadness.

Scarlett - the vampires attack us, their leader took My baby.

My blood runs ice cold as Ghost howls in sorrow for his mate she's not dead I know that I have to after her I have to save her.

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