Chapter 14

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Talia p.o.v

The next day dad called a meeting with the whole pack only to tell us about one big problem. All the pack members are gathered together in the ballroom for an announcement that my dad is going to make. Dad stands on the stage with mum and Beta Connor behind him h soon has everyone's attention.

Blake - you are all probably wondering why I called this meeting.

There is loud muttering before dad lets out a growl that quiets everyone down so dad can continue.

Blake - Quiet down everyone, now something has been brought to my attention and unfortunately, it's bad news. As you all may know Morgan and her brothers came here yesterday to inform us of a new danger.

One of the warriors asks.

Pack warrior 1 - what kind of danger is it Alpha?

Blake - in a word.....Vampires

There are gasps of horror from the mothers who hold their pups close to them but dad has more to say.

Blake - but that's not all as you are all aware of the rouges attacks from last year well it appears that the rouges and vampires have joined forces against us.

There are even more gasps this time from all she-wolves, from the Omegas too and growls of anger from the warriors. Let me explain what my dad meant last year we got a series of rogue attacks, one after other sadly we lost a good few families not to mention that a she-wolf was brutally attacked and raped which ended up in her getting pregnant, she went mad with grief and ended up taking her own life we tried to help her but she didn't listen to anyone. Everyone lets their voices be heard as they all start to yell at once.

She-wolf mother - what do we do Alpha? Our babies will need protection!!

Pack warrior 2 - we have to fight them!!

Pack warrior 3 - we can't fight both at once we will all be killed!!

Pack warrior 4 - what can we do??

Beta Connor yells at the top of his voice which gets everyone attention.

Connor - Enough!!!

Everyone soon settles down as Connor speaks.

Connor - we need everyone to stay calm and getting worked up isn't going to help now listen to our Alpha.

Blake - thank you Beta, listen up I am setting some new rules and orders until we find the rogues and vampires and defeat them. First off no one goes anywhere alone, be aware of your surroundings at all times. Tank, Abbie!!

Tank and Abbie step forward bowing their heads.

Tank - yes alpha?

Blake - just as a precaution I want everyone to be trained to defend themselves that goes without saying that includes the Omegas, if they can't fight give them weapons from the armoury and teach them how to use it. Got it?

They both nod.

Blake - As for the warrior's I want the sentinels doubled to patrol same for the scouts, Ryan can you handle organising that?

Ryan - yeah Alpha I got this you can count on me.

Blake - finally I want all the mothers in the shelters with guards protecting them if it comes to it I will send yous to ally packs for your safety let's hope it doesn't come to that. This will be tough for everyone but I promise you it won't be forever so for now I will need everyone's cooperation until this is over.

1 month later

It's been a month now but it feels longer, most of the pack has been playing by the rules but not everyone is liking this tho. In the daytime, it's not so bad but at night is another story. Our scouts and sentinel have reported seeing both rogues and the vampires waiting at the edge of the territory not sure what they're waiting for we aren't sure. The only good thing about this is that the pack are more relaxed around John now speaking of John he has been so supportive, we do spend time together even tho we can't go on very many dates and have kissed but it's not gone any further than making out and groping, dad is planning on making John an official member of the pack but I haven't spoken to him about it yet since I am not sure how he will take it.

Another good thing is that Raven and Ruby have been talking with help from mum of course been the Luna along with Ruby's mum Bella helped them talk it out so there isn't as much tension as there was before well not from the girls anyway. Damon and Azrael have been at each other's throats so we had to remind them about the threat, dad and their fathers have had words with them so we will see.

A messenger came to the house to give us a message from........well we aren't sure who sent it to us, we do know it was either the rouge leader or the vampire king. The message said........

"Come to the border tonight if not then you will lose something

We are talking about what to do about it and everyone thinks it's a bad idea.

Connor - you know it's probably a trap, right?

Ryan - what I wanna know is who in the hell is VF?

Bella - what does it mean to "lose something"?

Amy - do you think that they will take one of us?

Scarlett - I have a feeling it's me they want.

We all look to mum, she's maybe right mum is an ice wolf everyone in the pack knows that except for John. Dad takes mum in his arms holding her tight to his chest.

Blake - they won't be taking anything, I will go to this meeting and take a few warriors with me, while you take the ones who can't fight down to the shelter.

Scarlett - I don't wanna leave you.

Blake - I will be ok my love, I promise to come back to you.

After kissing mum, dad gave the order and once everyone was in place he left with Beta Connor, uncle Ryan, half the warriors along with Cole, Leo and John as for Azrael and Damon they stayed behind with us no surprise that Dante stayed as well big ass pussy. We waited down in the secret shelter underneath the house I was watching the cameras when suddenly............ The door burst open.

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