Chapter 1

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John p.o.v

Life as a rogue isn't easy for the past 15 years I've been trying to survive,wait I am getting already of myself here so let me back up a little. My name is John Snow and I am a werewolf or Wolf-Shifters.

 My name is John Snow and I am a werewolf or Wolf-Shifters

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John Snow - 25

Not like the kind you see in horror movies, of course, we are Children of the Moon anyway back to me you see I am not an ordinary wolf shifter but I am an albino wolf with white fur and red eyes my wolf is called Ghost.

Not like the kind you see in horror movies, of course, we are Children of the Moon anyway back to me you see I am not an ordinary wolf shifter but I am an albino wolf with white fur and red eyes my wolf is called Ghost

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We came from a pack called the Red eyes pack the reason I said "came from" is because when I was 10 when our pack got wiped our I was the only survivor out of a pack of 300. It wasn't hunters that killed my family and pack but Vampire's they slaughtered everyone from the alpha to the little pups in their cribs even my little sister who I tried to get to safety but we weren't fast enough and I hadn't shifted yet we can shift once we turn 16 then find our mates at 18. I couldn't do anything as those blood suckers ripped her apart one limb at a time before I blacked out.

I can still hear her screams in my head since then I have hated vampires i lost the top of my ear that night and once I shifted I've been hunting every one of them down for what they did to my pack, my family my home I've killed so many so far whether they were there or not. 15 years have passed I've been a rogue since I only shift when no one is around I have not trust in my own kind ever as I kid I was chased away from other packs no one would help me so I had to be alone.

Yeah that's Ghost and we have just entered a new territory but not any old territory, the alpha kings territory. Just for a short rest I leap into a tree and sit there chatting to ghost though the mind link.

(Ghost - I don't smell any vampires around but I do smell something its faint but there.

John - what is it ghost?

Ghost - not sure but it smells sweet.

John - please don't start about us getting a mate again.

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