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The small ghost of the child ran as fast as he could to Liu's cabin. He kept looking back to see if Jeff was following but he never saw any sign of the raven haired man. The child gulped and sometimes tripped and fell. It was weird to be dead. It was weird to not have his sister with him. It was weird to not feel pain, coldness or anything. The redhead finally reached Liu's cabin that had a small rose garden. The child gulped and wondered if he should go in. There was going to be ghosts. Almost all ghosts. So why should he be scared? He chuckled nervously and slowly walked up the steps to the front door with his hands in his jacket pockets. He quietly walked in and saw a group of ghost in the living room, watching two of them playing a game. The small kid then saw another kid with old fashioned clothes feet with a pair of shoes and socks next to him look at him. The two looked at each other in silence for a while, both feeling awkward.

Edward blinked as he looked at the young child.


The child just stood in silence. Edward shoved Alice and Alice smacked him on his head.

"What?" Edward pointed to where the child was. "Oh." Alice was quiet for a moment. "Wait, what are you doing in here?"

"Who?" BEN's eyes didn't move away from the screen.

"This ghost kid."

"What ghost kid?"

"This one!"

Hearing that there was another ghost in the cabin, James looked over the couch and gasped.


"Oh, hi James." the child smiled when he saw the familiar face.

"What?" Corey and the rest of the group looked at Noah, who now looked a bit scared.

"Please don't hurt me." Noah said as he backed up.

"We're not going to hurt you." Sally replied.

"Yeah, everyone here is cool." James told Noah as he walked to him.

Noah looked at all the ghosts who were walking and floating to him. BEN paused the game him and Corey were playing and had a suspicious look on his face. You were sitting on the couch, not wanting to do anything and tapping your foot. Noah started to get neruvous as everyone was starting to ask him questions.

"What happened to you?"

"Why are you here?"

"Are you okay?"

"Why are you covered in water?"

"how'd you get here?"

Noah started to cry from all the questions and everyone surrounding him. You looked back and saw Noah silently crying and got up. You shook your head and walked to everyone.

"Everyone, stop with the questions. Can't you see he's uncomfortable?"

Everybody a became quiet and looked at you and then Noah, you was shaking and crying.

"Sorry." James said as he backed up and scratched his neck.

Noah looked up at you and got scared to minute since you were the most bloody (besides Corey, Sally and Alice). Then, he felt a calm, motherly feeling about you. You seemed like a kind person to comfort the sad. He then wiped the tears away, even if he couldn't really do that since his face was all wet with cold water, and looked up at you. You noticed him staring at smiled a bit. Noah then quickly ran to you and hid his face in your dress skirt. He sniffed you you lifted your hand down. You hesitated for a second, but then put your hand on his head. Noah lifted his arms up and you got the hint. You picked him up and he hugged you, hiding his face in your neck.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now