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The night was normal. The Campbell family were sleeping soundly in their beds without anything disturbing them. The house sometimes made a noise and every couple minutes there was a clap of thunder singling that it would soon begin to rain. It seemed like a nice night. Or so you would think. Unknowingly to everyone, including you, an intruder was breaking in the house through the front door that was accidentally left unlocked. He quietly and carefully walked through the family home with a bloody kitchen knife in his right hand. He crept upstairs and tried to decide witch room to go to first. He finally decided on the room next to the last room on the left and slowly opened the door, trying not to make any noise. It was a kids room. While the male did't kill babies, he killed children, adults, teenagers and elders. His never ending smile seemed to grow as he walked to the mattress that sat on the floor where a brown eyed and brown haired child lied, in a deep sleep. The man raised his knife and put one of his cold, pale hands on the kid's mouth, waking her up. She tried to scream and get up but the man was much stronger and was about to strike before letting her hear his deep, raspy voice.

"Go. To. Sleep."


Something was wrong. You could feel it. You stopped what you were doing and rushed to the house with some of your dress in your hands so you didn't trip over the skirt of your bloody dress. Also, you tried not to trip because it was hard to run in heels. When you got inside, your eyes widened. Vincent was on the floor of the living room with what you presumed were stab wounds on his stomach trying to reach a phone as Joshua had a wooden chair in front of his as he tried to stop the man with tangled jet black hair to not get any closer. The man was trying to stab the poor sixteen year old who was trying to protect himself. You kicked the cell phone closer to Vincent who could barely move and went over to Joshua and the male with the bloody knife. You pulled the mans hair, which was unpleasant to touch, and pulled him back, making him drop his knife and fall to the floor.

"The fuck?!" He yelled as he tried to grab his hair and pull it back.

You kept pulling and finally let go. He was relieved and got up but before he could do anything else, you put him in a choke hold. Joshua saw what happened and was sort of confused. He stood in a corner of the room with the chair still in his hands as he saw the man start to get beaten up by you, someone that was invisible.

I'm so glad I went to fighting classes with Fay You thought as you started to kick the man who was trying to fight back but kept failing.

You thought he was pretty unattractive. Pale skin, slits that looked like they were starting to heal that went up to both his ears, long, tangled black hair and....no eye lids. But you did have to admit, besides the white parts of his eyes which were sort of red, the irises were very beautiful shade of blue. Ice blue, to be exact. Suddenly, the door busted open and a couple of cops came in with guns in front of them. You quickly got away from the male and went next to Joshua, who fortunately, wasn't harmed. You and Joshua watched as the male tried to get his knife but instead got tazed by a tall, skinny male cop and fell down. Vincent was taken to an ambulance and Joshua was taken outside by a female cop to be questioned on what happened. Instead of going outside, you decided to see what happened to everyone else. You knew they were dead, you just didn't want to believe it. But you had to when you saw Joshua's sisters and mother all stabbed to death with the same slits on their faces. Except Darcie, she was the only one without the slits on her face. You felt the tears form in your eyes. You cared for everyone in this family and just wanted to scream until you didn't have a voice anymore. Whoever this man was killed innocent people you loved. You were sad and felt even more angry than when you were murdered. You wanted to make him suffer but you knew he was going to prison, mot likely for life, so that made you happy.

"At least he isn't going to kill anyone else.....hopefully...."

You let salty tears run down your beaten face and sighed. You walked outside to where people from town were gathered, asking Joshua questions on what happened, but the female cop told them to back off and leave him alone. Joshua walked away from the scene as investigators and paramedics went in the house. He sat down under a pine tree and started to cry. He put his hands on his face and let out sobs. You sat down next to him, silently crying. That evening after dinner, Joshua had a fight with his mother about something personal and the last words he said to her was "I hate you.". He wanted to see his mother again and say he was sorry, to hug her and tell her that he loves her. He also wanted to hug and say I love you to his sisters since he wasn't the nicest to them throughout the years.He cared for them all, even if sometimes he didn't think that. He also wanted to know if his father was okay and if he was going to survive since he lost a lot of blood. He just wanted to hug him and know that he was alright. Joshua knew that you were next to him. He was grateful that you were haunting his family because if you weren't, him and Vincent would've probably died. He was also grateful that you beat that pale guy up. It was kid of funny seeing an invisible ghost beat some weirdo murderer up.

You looked at Joshua and put one of your cold hands on his shoulder. He flinched a little but other than that, he didn't really have a reaction. You hugged him, knowing that he wanted to comforted by someone. He leaned in and continue crying. Since you knew who he was since he was a baby, you knew that his relationship with his mother and siblings wasn't the best, but he still had a decent relationship with them. You felt bad for him, and wished that everyone was still alive.

"It's going to be okay Joshua," you began, feeling almost motherly to the teenager, "i'm always going to be here for you and your father."

As you hugged Joshua, the two of you didn't know, but a certain green eyed ghost child looked at you, wondering why you, a ghost, were hugging a human and saying that you'll always be there for him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu