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"Hey Vincent! How're you doing?" Ron asked as he roughly patted Vincent on his back.

"Hey Ron, i'm doing good."

"That's good. Oh, have you seen the new unsolved murder case documentary on Netflix?"

"No, I have not. Is it good?" Ron nodded as him and Vincent walked into the bar that they knew was going to not have a lot of customers that day.

"It's a pretty good documentary. It's about (Y/N) Bancroft and Fay Johnson. It talks about their life and about what happened and what they were doing before they were killed." Vincent hummed as a response before he said hello to to one of the waitresses who said hello back in an unenthusiastic tone of voice.

Vincent tried not to think about it. He still couldn't believe that him and Joshua were living with you, a ghost who now has a Netflix documentary.


"Well, I knew today was gonna be slow. Barely anyone has shown up." a waitress with a name tag that had the name Samantha on it said.

"Yeah, but at least a small amount is better than none." another waitress replied.

Vincent stood behind the bar and sighed. He looked up at the clock that hung on the side of one of the restaurants walls. It was his break time.

"Well, it's your break Vinny. My turn now." Ron said as he slid behind the bar and stood still, ready to serve a drink anyone.

Vincent smiled and walked to the backdoor and opened it. He left the inside of the building and leaned on his back on the brick wall. The dirty white paint was starting to chip off, showing the red brick the building was maid out of. Vincent wasn't hungry and he didn't bring any smokes, but that was fine. He just wanted to relax, even if he kind of was relaxing at the bar. But he did bring his phone. He looked at the dumpster and grew confused. How and why was the dumpster moved? Vincent walked to the dumpster and looked behind it. His eyes grew wide and he stood still. A person, obviously dead by the looks of it. The person was a teenage male with long honey blonde hair and he was wearing a simple white t-shirt, blue jeans and black converse. Dried blood was all over his almost pink looking shirt and dried blood was pooled around him. Vincent snapped out of it and took his phone and dialed 911.


Joshua lied on his back on the trampoline, looking up at the blue sky. The bright sun was covered by dark clouds, so it wasn't in his eyes, and Joshua thanked the world for that. He was bored. He wanted to contact you, but he thought about it and decided that he would just be lazy and contact you some other day.

"AH OMFG! WORLD WHY?" Joshua yelled as he rolled to his side, covering his eyes from the blinding sun. "Okay. I'll go inside....."

Joshua jumped of the trampoline and walked back inside. He went into the kitchen and made himself a turkey sandwich and went upstairs to his room. He put his sandwich on his nightstand and turned the T.V and Xbox and plopped down on his bed with the Xbox controller in one of his hands. He stayed still for a couple of minutes. He missed his family. He actually missed having his sisters annoy him and his mother scold him. His father scolded him, but it just felt different since his mother was better at it. Joshua sighed heavily and wiped the tears rolling down his pale cheeks away. He shook his head and went to Youtube. He searched up Green Day and put a playlist of one of their albums on. His mother loved Green Day and was the one to introduce the band to him when he was twelve. Joshua grabbed his sandwich and took a bite out of it. You were in your room, drawing with Sally and heard the loud music.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now