They had moved into their new house over three weeks ago now and in that whole time Cameron hadn't had anymore nightmares of him, the Tradesmen, what happened with Carlos or her sister or any of the cases that haunted her mind- in fact she hadn't had any nightmares in well over a few months.

She wasn't sure why it happened tonight, or the memories had been creeping back over the last week but this was different tonight, worse, intense- but there was nothing throughout the day that would have set her off thinking about it;

-A normal paperwork day at the office full of meetings despite it being a Sunday, but a 7 day work week had become the usual for Cameron now with all of the extra work she had to take on.

-Meeting Hotch and Jack for lunch in the park near work with the puppies which ignited most of the team to rush from their weekend plans to meet them- especially Garcia who threatened to steal them multiple times and Morgan who almost started crying at how Cameron had started training them in Russian like she had with Radomir, he had really secretly loved that dog more than he would care to admit.

-And then she finished working overtime, cooked dinner with Jack, had a glass of vodka and read with Hotch after he put Jack to bed before they went to bed themselves; a normal, perfect day.

Except something felt wrong all day, she couldn't put her finger on it but something in her gut was telling her that something was wrong.

She was happier than ever, decorating her new house with her partner who she loved more than anything, training her new dogs all weekend who were surprisingly respondent despite their playful puppy demeanour- clearly responding well to the Russian stern tone Cameron put on before dropping it and giving them cuddles and treats after the training, unable to be as stern and disciplined as her father had been with Radomir.

Cameron shook her head as she wrapped her arms around herself and felt her breath steadying- she was just shaken up from the nightmare, that was all.

There was nothing to be worried about, she knew that.

Everything was great, everything was so great that she sometimes couldn't quite believe it.

She sometimes feared she would wake up, like this was all a dream and the 'nightmares' were snippets of reality.

She knew it wasn't, she knew this was her reality but it was just so wonderful that it sometimes terrified her- making her think that one day it would all be tugged away from her and she would be dragged back to the hell that she clawed her way out of.

"You're crying" a voice interrupted her as she stared out off the porch, jumping her before she turned and saw a sleepy looking Jack stood at the slightly open front door looking concerned at her.

"O-oh hi Jack, sorry- did I wake you?" She quickly wiped her tears that she didn't realise were going down her face.

"Cooper woke me up, he was trying to find you- he always sneaks out of my bed around this time to go sleep next to you" Jack attempted to carry the sleepy dog onto the porch- plopping him down so he could wonder over to Cameron and nuzzle into her leg.

"Hey Coop" she smiled, leaning down and scouping up the dog to lie on her on the beautifully hand crafted bench with green velvet cushioning that Morgan had made for them as a 'new home' gift, along with two matching dog beds of which the puppies ignored and chose to sit on the furniture he crafted instead in typical dog fashion.

"Are you okay?" Jack sat on the seat, tucking his knees to his chin as he wiggled next to her and the dog who had splooted out to spread on the bench.

"I'm okay" she smiled at him, "I just had a sort of bad dream."

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