Old and new allies

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"And what time do you call this, young lady?" Morgan teased as Cameron walked onto the plane, greeted immediately by Radomir who had been with Hotch all night.

"S-sorry I'm late" she rushed to her seat so the doors could close, Radomir following closely and begging for attention she of course gave him.

"Are you in the same clothes as yesterday? Someone had a good 'drink' I see" JJ winked at her which made Cameron give a confused expression- not understanding what she was implying.

"Was Jason any good?" Emily asked with a smirk.


"The medical examiner, was he any good at examining?" She winked which made Morgan burst out laughing at Cameron's face drop.

"W-what? Oh my- no, no- I mean I don't know, I didn't-"

"Don't listen to them kid, whatever fun times you and Jason had last night is none of their business to judge" Rossi chuckled.

"Hey- no judgement here, I've had my fair share of 'walks of shames' onto the jet" Emily chuckled.

"There was no 'fun times' had and this is not a 'walk of shame' or whatever you call it" Cameron defended, shaking her head at their insinuation.

"You didn't go back to your hotel room so there must have been some 'fun times' had" JJ shrugged.

"Do you all often keep an eye on my hotel room door?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Ah ha! You didn't deny it that time" Emily giggled excitedly with Garcia.

"We didn't do anything thank you very much" Cameron felt her cheeks blush with embarrassment, "I left after the first drink."

"What? Wait- where did you go all night then?"

"I had to sort some things out" she replied simply, Hotch looking over at her the first time the entire conversation that he was trying not to listen in to for his jaw's sake, although he couldn't help the urge to listen to how her night went after also noticing her not returning to her room when he casually walked by it over a dozen times the night before... purely coincidence of course.

"What things?" Morgan prompted.

"Private things" she made him chuckle before he paused at her slightly wavering expression and lack of eye contact as if she were guilty about something- Morgan piecing it together surprisingly quickly and sitting up with a suddenly serious tone.

"Wait- you didn't call that number, did you?"

"What number?" Hotch asked, Cameron's silence the only answer Morgan was getting but it was enough for his outrage to bubble over.

"Cameron! I told you not to call it! Did you tell them where you are?!" Morgan stood up as she pulled out a folder from the files and brought them over to Hotch without replying to Morgan.

"Here are the files confirming my real identity Agent Hotchner" Cameron placed it down before pausing, "and thank you for looking after Radomir for me, I'm sorry for making you look after him for so long- I didn't realise I would be out all night."

Hotch paused at the certificates before looking up at her from his seat.

"How did you get these Johnson?"

"I... I called my old training agent at Interpole."

"What?!" Morgan stormed over, "Cameron I told you not to do that! Wait- is that why you were out all night? Did they take you again?!"

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