Guilty blood (1)

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"Do you know why I'm here?" The large man's gruff Russian voice spoke as he held the knife to her neck from behind.

"I-I can assume so" Cameron whispered back in Russian with fear.

"I've been sent to bring you back-" he lowered the weapon but she caught his hand and held it back to her neck.

"Kill me" she whispered, he paused.

"Please, please just kill me" she begged through whispered tears, "I can't go back, I won't- just kill me."

The man stepped back, lowering his hand despite her clutching at it to stay there- he was by far stronger than her.

"I will not kill you."

"Please!" She turned to him, tears storming her face, "either let me go, or kill me. I will not go back there, I will not be broken by him; you must to kill me."

"I gave my word, I would find you and bring you back to your Prince."

"He is not my Prince and I am not his!" She yelled, "I will not go back! I'd sooner die that be under his cruel thumb again!"

Carlos paused and tilted his head, the whisps of the cold Russian wind hitting him but not affecting him- and seemingly not affecting the small woman in a just a small cloak over a thin, silk nightgown that had dirt and blood covering it.

"Are you injured?" He quizzed as the wind blew her cape open slightly, she paused and pulled it tighter around her.

"You do not care, you wish to kill me-"

"I said I will not kill you."

"No but you are sending me back to my kidnapper who took me when I was but a child and that is worse than death itself!"

He paused and his eyes narrowed, "he took you- as a child?"

"Did he not tell you? Did he not brag how he stole me from my father, ripped me from my home to destroy my family name because of a legacy of grudges I was not alive to be at fault of?!" She yelled with pain in her voice.

Carlo's eyes widened slightly with a half realisation, "Sokolov child?"

She paused and stepped back, "how do you know of my name?"

"I did not realise who you were" he knelt down and bowed, "I apologise."

"Why are you bowing?" She quizzed the man who was sent by him to kill her.

"You are a Sokolov" he looked up at her from his knelt position, "it is only right."

She looked confused before tilting her head with recognition as the man's hood fell.


"How do you know of my real name?" He pulled his blade out and within two steps had it to her throat as he held her against a tree.

She gasped in a fearful shock, "p-please don't pin me, please!"

He kept the blade to her neck despite her growing panic, "how do you know of my name child? Speak!"

"P-please, I can't breathe, I can't-" she felt the woods spinning around her, flashing back to that palace chamber, flashing back to him, his hands on her, his grip so tight she could barely breathe   through her sobs as he undressed her and pinned her to the wall with wicked whispers.

"Speak!" Carlos commanded.

"T-the Black Dolphin prison! M-my father-" she stammered, his eyes widened.

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