An unspoken goodbye

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Cameron hobbled around the back of the estate, terrified as she tried to hide from the oldest Petrov daughter who had just tried to slice her. 

Cameron came to learn that each of the hunting family members had their own choice of weapon just like her own family had before, a common Russian family tradition;

Annabeth had two handguns, a sure quick fire when getting fast pace animals like herself.

Zara was an expert with any blade, taking special care with her personalised daggers to skin the animals.

Her mother, all though a peaceful woman who rarely fought, was a terrifying threat with a bow and arrow even in the harshest winds.

And her father- well, her father could master any weapon that lay in his hands, whether it was intended to be a weapon or not. He seemed to favour his shotguns and rifles in particular but that was just because of traditions- the Sokolovs were known for their skills with hunting rifles, among many other things.

Cameron was the only one who didn't have a 'weapon of choice' in her family, that was something she carried with heavy shame. She had tried them all, was forced to try to master anything but she couldn't. It wasn't until she got older did she realise her true 'weapon.'


Just like her mother, Cameron understood how to heal a person, how to care for a person and mend wounds with whatever she could find. 

Con-coxing medicine from seemingly nothing of use ingredients, patching up bullet holes and animal attacks with clean stitches and a steady hand of a surgeon.  She had saved her family members countless times after hunting accidents because of her skills with mending a person instead of breaking them with a weapon and yet they still mocked her, or at the very least respected her a whole lot less than if she knew how to shoot a gun instead of mixing together berries to make a quick antidote or spending days reading any medical book she could find to be able to understand how to heal the body better, how to help people instead of hurt.

The eldest daughter in the Petrov family seemed to enjoy knives much like Cameron's oldest sister.

After Cameron had gotten into the picnic styled cult-ish white floaty, floor length ritual dress with bellowing half sleeves and a bow tied at the back, she pushed open the previously locked door with ease. She knew it was a trap, of course it was- she had learnt the hard way before that an open door was too good to be true.

But she had to take the risk, she had to find Hotch.

A few minutes of getting out of the barn went by and then the sound of 3 gunshots fired- Cameron would recognise that sound anywhere.

The hunt was starting.

The pray were being warned.

The animals had to run.

She had to run.

And she did, she didn't know where to but the front gate seemed like the best bet however she couldn't just leave the team inside the house- not that she knew if they would still be there or not.

As Cameron tried to sneak into the back of the house, a creek on the usually quiet grand staircase to the backdoor seemed to alert the eldest daughter to her.

"I'm going to name you Betty" the girl's creepy smile appeared in front of Cameron in the door glass pane.

Cameron fell backwards down the stairs in fear as it opened revealing the girl holding a doll that made Cameron almost vomit out of the sight of what it was made out of- human flesh and hair stuck into it.

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