Guilty blood (2)

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"Just keep walking" Cameron spoke to Hotch as the water streamed down her face, fearing the movement in the darkness down the other side of the very large and long room- although the length would be nothing for the creature that she knew would get to them in less than 2 seconds.

A breath caught in her throat as they reached the top and she heard the noise from below the stairs.

"Shut the door" Hotch whispered but she knew that would do nothing, the cunning creature knew they were there, it was just waiting for them to let it hunt them.

Cameron slowly shook her head as she glanced over at the tiger and wanted to sob at the realisation of what she would have to do to save them, to save Hotch.

"Listen to me Aaron-" she kept her gaze on the dark stairwell where she was sure she would see the creature any minute and have to jump into her plan she despised having to follow through on, reminding herself again that it was what had to be done to survive, to save Hotch.

She would sooner die herself than let an animal get hurt, but she would not let the same happen to Hotch.

"-when I fire the gun, you will run, do you understand me? You will run out of this building as fast as possible and you will not look back. I will be following, but so will it within a few minutes. You have to trust me, I am not naive on this- I know this creature better than you know that gun in your hand. You have to run, you cannot look back for me, you cannot or you will die. Do you understand me? You will be ripped apart and I will not be able to help you. Tap me if you understand me, once for yes, twice for no."

There was a moment of silence and no movement until she felt a reluctant singular tap on her shoulder, she nodded and swallowed her fear that she knew had no place in this survival, something her father always barked at her when she would become overwhelmed with fear.

She slowly walked over to the cage where the tiger had calmed down and stuck her hair pin into the lock, her eyes glued to the metal door still as Hotch walked slowly further back to the door of the room- reluctant to leave still.

Cameron felt a click as she heard a crack of the first step down the long stair case where something waited, something hungry.

She closed her eyes for a moment and whispered to the tiger as she readied her gun and pointed it at the back of the cage where the sound would set it off.

"Мне очень жаль, да пребудут с тобой боги, пусть они дарят тебе скорую смерть."

I am sorry, may the gods be with you, may they grant you a swift death.

And then she pressed the trigger and the sounds started, from everywhere;

From her footsteps chasing after Hotch who ran like she had told him to, from the loud rumble of the creature in the basement running up the stairs that broke beneath its huge weight, from the roar of the tiger launching from the cage at it- the cries that came after as the creature ripped it apart just for fun.

The noises echoed in Cameron's head as she ran, her eyes locked onto Hotch's back.

She felt her body shaking, her guilt of what she had just had to do screaming at her to just drop to the floor and take the punishment she thought she deserved but she had to be sure Hotch made it out alive, she had to see him live.

She heard the tiger's finale cry of pain and felt her fear take over knowing they weren't at the front entrance like they needed to be yet- knowing that it was coming for them now, that they wouldn't make it.

Classified light- a criminal minds fan fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang