Let's play hide and seek

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A/N:  It's been a while again. I know. But my life is pretty good rn. That's new for me. I hope it stays that way. Tbh I haven't worked on the second part since a while but I promise I'll try my best. Anyway, I hope you are doing okay and that you know that you are great!

Have fun reading!


Brett's POV

*time jump*

The sun was going down and it looked beautiful. I loved sunsets. We had finally arrived at Jackson's/Ethan's spot. It was a little barn. It looked a little bit like the Hale house but I was fine with that. When I was in Satomi's pack we went camping a lot. I always was with Lori and usually TJ. At first, I thought she was just a random weirdo but then I got to know her. We had a lot of fun together and it was good for Lori to have a friend. Lori had a hard time making friends. I didn't know why. She was an amazing girl and everyone who can call her 'friend' should be grateful. After almost our whole pack died Scott decided to take us in. It was never weird. They were all nice and I liked them. Well, Theo threatened me that if I would mock ever again Liam he would beat the shit out of me. I was sure he'd do anything for Liam.

"Brett I asked you something." Said Thalia. Oh, I didn't notice that.

"Uhm sorry. Can you repeat it?"

"Two of us always have to sit here outside the barn. Because of the hunters. Who do you want as your partner?" I knew Mason and Corey were going to do it together. I was also sure that TJ was gonna do it with Jackson because she hasn't seen him for a couple of months. So that meant I had two options: Thalia or Nolan. I liked them both much. I couldn't decide between them so I let my wolf decide. Nolan.


„Alright. I assume Mason and Corey are a team and Jackson and TJ?" They nodded.

"If Ethan shows up I'll team up with him." Added Thalia.

It was getting dark and it was a little bit cold in the summertime. We lighted up a fire or to be more specific: Thalia did. The thing with her was she couldn't always shift whenever she wants. Parrish was still working with her on it. So we had to trigger her sometimes. I managed to trigger her by provoking her. We were sitting around the little fire and we were talking about everything and nothing.

"Anyway TJ told me that the rest of the pack is in beacon hills. Who are your favorites?" asked Jackson.

TJ shook her head and rolled her eyes. I'd have loved to hear the answers from everyone but on the other side, it wasn't a secret who like who the most.

"People or creatures?" asked Mason.

"People would be a little mean." commented Corey.

"Hmm.. fine. Let's say creatures." Answered Jackson.

"Alright. Who is first?" asked Thalia.

"I am." Said a familiar voice. It was Theo's. Wait. Theo was here??

He came out of nowhere and behind him were Liam and a boy I didn't know. Maybe Ethan or Aiden?

"THEOBUNNY." Yelled Thalia. She got up and ran towards him and jumped on him. They hugged. It was kinda cute. Theo had only two soft spots. Thalia and Liam.

„LIAM." Yelled Mason excited and ran up to Liam. They hugged too. Jackson got up and went to the boy I couldn't identify. They kissed. The boy has to be Ethan since I was told that Aiden was straight. He said something to Jackson but even with my werewolf hearing, I couldn't hear what he was saying because the rest was talking too loud.

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