love is invisible but strong

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A/N : a little morey fluff :). I hope you'll like it. 

The next two chapters are gonna be very intense. They have to do something with... 

Stay safe and remember. You are amazing <3


Corey's POV

*In the meantime*

Mason and I were hiding in a coyote construction. It was a good spot because we didn't have to watch every single second behind our backs and could rest. At least physically. We were sitting together on the floor my arm around his waist and we were holding hands. No one talked so we would or at least I would hear anyone who comes near the entrance but all I could hear was Mason's heartbeat. It was a little fast. I barely breathed because the situation was pretty tensed. I was scared. Actually horrified. I wasn't a fighter so if any hunters find us I couldn't protect Mason. I didn't have fangs or claws or a tail. I couldn't crash someone's skull with my voice. The only thing I could was hiding.

"Corey. How long should we wait anymore?" whispered Mason. I honestly didn't know. We must've been sitting here for hours at least that's what my body was telling me. My back hurts and I couldn't feel my legs. But I didn't wanna put Mason in danger.

"I don't know. What do you think Mas?" He was the smart one. The one who always had a plan. Scott and Lydia call him mini Stiles. He looked at me and said:

"I'm not sure. We could try to find the others." Maybe we should.

"Yeah. That's a good idea." We got up slowly and quietly to walk out of the coyote construction. Before we stepped out I listened to the environment. No sign of possible hunters. We were still holding hands not just so in case a hunter was nearby I could turn invisible with Mason but also to comfort each other. Because I could smell his fear it wasn't a lot but it was there. I must've been reeking out fear. I squeezed his hand and smiled encouragingly at him.

"We'll be okay. We all will." He smiled at me back. We walked and watched out for anything that indicated that one of the others was there. But nothing. How could we possibly find them? That's one of these moments where I wished I would be a were-creature then I would be able to really protect Mason.


"No. I'm sorry." I looked to the floor. I was ashamed of myself. I should be able to find my friends but I couldn't.

"Hey, babe. Look at me." When I didn't look up he lifted my head gently with his hand so I had to look him in the eyes.

"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. We'll get through this together." He smiled and his hand was still under my chin.

"I love you." His smile grows and which made me smile.

"I love you too." Then he leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back. It was a soft and gentle kiss. I put my arms around his neck to close the gap between us. When he pulled away we just stood there and looked at each other's eyes. I loved his eyes they were beautiful. His look. His smile. His voice. Basically everything about him. He was the definition of perfect.

„God, you're so attractive when you stare at me like that." Said Mason with a smirk. I almost started to laugh.

"Well, I assume the attractiveness of the person I'm looking at is reflecting on me." He smirked more. I grinned back. He bit his bottom lip. Fuck that was so hot. I crashed my lips on his. It was a little rough but still soft. I had still my arms around his neck to keep him close. He put his hand at the back of my head and pulled me closer than I already was by grabbing my hair. I didn't mind at all. If we weren't in the middle of nowhere without knowing there were still hunters we would've done more than just making out. Oh shit. I almost forgot about the hunters. I hated to do it but I pulled away. Mason whimpered softly.

„I hate to say that but we should keep moving."

"Yeah.. you are right."

We started to walk again hoping to find our friends in the middle of nowhere. We had to keep trying to find them. Never lose hope right?

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