"Because she loves me more mate, that's why." He smirked with cockiness.

You looked at him, raised your eyebrow and pushed him all the way to the living room, stopping him just before he hit the wall.

"Sorry Freddie." You went over and gave Fred a little kiss while he still sat on the floor, "sorry too Georgie!" You shouted going into the bathroom.

You all got ready to go to see Molly and arthur. They were still at the burrow and weren't expecting your arrival, but it felt more unsafe to owl and say you were going. You could use your code word 'purple' but she would probably get worried.

You came out from your room and the twins never failed to surprise you, they were chucking little fireworks at each other around the sofa, "boys if you make a burn, even if it's the size of a grain of sand, I will literally kill you both. Don't prat around." You warned, grabbing a little bite to eat out fo your fridge before leaving.

You didn't even have any idea if Molly or Arthur were going to be comfortable with you all going round, but none of you had seen each other in a little while and you were prepared to defend everyone if need be.

You washed up your dishes and began locking up all the doors and windows so there was no chance of anyone getting in that you wouldn't know about.

"Are we going now?" George asked, standing up from the sofa.

"Seems like it, everyone got everything?" You held out your hands for the twins to take hold of.

"Yes mum." Fred also stood and took your hand at the same time as George.

"Let's go then." And with that you were stood in front of the burrow. You looked around first before making your way towards the house.

George knocked on the door, while Fred kept ahold of your hand.

The door slowly opened with Molly holding her wand out, she noticed it was you three and greeted you all with open arms.

"Come in come in." She ushered you in the house and locked the door again, "has something happened?" She was curious at why you were visiting with no warning.

"These two have been bugging me for weeks that they wanted to go out and come back here for a day, I thought if it isn't too much trouble that would be okay."

"It's fine y/n, it is getting a little bit boring round here anyways. Arthur come down! Look who came!" He had clearly just gotten ready for the day, but he was over the moon seeing you and the twins back inside the burrow.

"You're all growing up so fast." He sighed looking at you in front of him, while holding his arm round mollys shoulder.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Molly asked, walking into the kitchen.

"I haven't." The twins said in unison.

"I had something just before I left so I am perfectly content." You all sat at the table together as Molly began cooking up some food. You all spoke about how life had been since you last saw eachother. You didn't however tell Molly about finding Ron, you knew she'd be more worried than she already was knowing he had to go back on his own to find them- no clue if he made it or not.

You were at the table for a while just having a deep face to face catch up, which you hadn't done for a while. Molly took the boys plates away, coming back after to continue the conversation. This time someone else felt inclined to show his presence.

Fred's hand was now placed firmly on the inside of your leg, he moved his thumb up and down to show more affection. You looked down at his hand and back up to his face. He wasn't showing any sort of emotion, so you gathered he was just doing it to be affectionate.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now