Chapter 40

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We're already at chapter 40! There will be more :)

The next morning, Tony comes running into the kitchen. "There you are!" He yells. You put your finger up to your lips to signal him to be quiet. "Ah your fine. I'm proposing to Pepper tonight." Tony says.

You do your best to look supportive. Even though you have a headache. Bucky walks over to you and kisses your forehead. He wraps his flesh arm around your shoulders and holds you against him. Cuddling you like he didn't just fuck the shit out of you last night.

"How are you going to do it?" You ask Tony. Tony tells you how he plans on proposing. You nod along. Not even listening to half of what he's saying.

You rest your head on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky kisses the top of your head and rests his face there.

"Wow. I see you two had some fun last night." Tony says. You look at him confused. "Your neck seems to be covered in hickeys y/n. Must've been a nice birthday present." Tony says. You look at Bucky. He smirks at you.

"Okay lovebirds. I'll leave you alone." Tony says.

"Go find your lovebird and put a ring in it." You say. Tony gives you a thumbs up and walks away. "Sometimes I think my brother's gay." You say. Bucky chuckles.

Bucky leans down and picks you up bridal style. He cradles you against his chest. "My baby." He says. You hum in agreement. Bucky walks back to your room.

With you still in his arms, he lays down on the bed. He rests his back against the head board. You lay your head against his chest. Bucky shifts you to were your resting in between his legs. You hook your legs around his.

"So, do you have an answer for me yet?" Bucky asks.

"You haven't even asked Tony." You say.

"Why would I ask Tony to marry me?" Bucky asks. You laugh, "You didn't ask for his permission."

"Ah." Bucky says. "Well, I'll ask him tomorrow." You give Bucky a kiss on his jawline and chin.

"Do you want kids?" You ask.

"Why?" Bucky asks. You shrug, "We were bound to have this conversation sooner or later. I just wanna know where you stand with small pooping, eating, crying machines."

Bucky chuckles, "I always thought having maybe one, but if you don't want kids, then we don't have to have any."

You nod and spin around to face him. "What about you? Do you want kids, păpuşă?" Bucky asks. You shrug, "I don't know. A mini me wouldn't be to bad. But I don't think a kid would want me as their mom."

"Why do you say that?" Bucky asks a little heart broken that you think that.

"Given what's happened in the past." You say.

Bucky chuckles, "You're talking to the famous Winter Solider, păpuşă."

You don't laugh. Bucky tilts your lead up. "What's wrong baby?" He asks.

"I never told you." You say. Bucky looks at you confused. "Never told me what?" He asks.

"When I was kidnapped, the first time, I did a terrible thing." You say. Bucky nods, signaling for you to continue. "They sent me to a school to kill a teacher, but the kids in his class were still there." Tears weld in your eyes. "At this time, I basically wasn't me. I was someone else. It was like I was brainwashed to be someone else, but I wasn't." The tears fall down the side of your face. "They made me kill the kids." You quietly say.

Bucky pulls you back on his chest. He kisses the top of your head. "It's okay." Bucky says. You're out a huff, "Tell that to their parents."

You hear Bucky sigh. "Bucky I'm not who everyone thinks I am. Tony doesn't even know about this. This is the first time I've really thought about it in years, so Wanda probably doesn't know." You say.

"I won't tell anyone." Bucky says. "And this doesn't change how I see you. I still love you the same. I still want you to be my wife."

"Even though I'm a child murder?" You ask.

"You're not a child murder. You said that you basically weren't yourself. You know that I love you no matter what. You're not that y/n anymore. Now you're my păpuşă." Bucky says.

"Okay." You say.

"Okay." Bucky says.

"I'll do it." You say. Bucky looks at you confused. "You'll do what?" He asks.

"I'll marry you." You say. Bucky smiles. He pulls your face to his and kisses you. "Mrs. Barnes." Bucky says against your lips. You giggle. He smiles and kisses you again.

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