Chapter 23

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A loud bang causes you to jolt awake. The room is spinning and your head hurts. You look down and notice you're naked. The realization of what must have happened hits you. Tears weld in your eyes. You feel dirty. You feel sore in between your legs.

I want Bucky. I want Bucky. I want Bucky.

The sound of a snore besides you catches your attention. You look to the left and see Stuart. You look to your right and see the door. Slowly, you get out of the bed. Doing your best to not wake him up.

Just as you're about to stand up, an arm yanks you back. He wraps his hand around your throat. Closing off any chance to get air in.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks.

"Disneyland." You try and say sarcastically, but it comes out strained.

"Funny girl. Think you're so funny." He says.

"You just called me funny, so yea." You gasp out.

He growls and lets go of your throat. You gasp.

Why is everyone here growling?

"Last night was okay. We'll work on it." He says.

"Did you drug me?" You ask.

"Yes." He says coldly.

"Why am I here? What do you want from me?" You ask.

"I want your body." He says.

You stand up off the bed. Stuart bites his lip. You look around and see your clothes. In a flash, you're grabbing it and putting it on.

Stuart slowly stands up. He puts his pants and shirt back on. He slowly walks over to you.

I want Bucky. I want Bucky. I want Bucky.

"What's wrong baby?" He asks. His hand grazes your cheek. You pull your head away from his hand.

"Tony will find me." You say.

"I'm sure he will. And when he gets here, I'll kill him and everyone who's with him." Stuart says.

He grabs your arm and takes you out of the room with him. Several men watch as Stuart leads you down the hall. His grip on your arm hurts. Really badly. You try to pull away. He doesn't budge.

Without a warning, you're being shoved into a room. The cold floor makes you shiver with each step. There's a black chair with ropes and chains. Stuart sits you down in it.

You try and stand up, but he pushes you back down. He straps you in.

"Heat up the rod!" Stuart yells.

"No! No! Please! Please!" You yell. Stuart ties a piece of fabric around your mouth to silence you. Muffle screams come out of your mouth.

"Start the video!" Stuart yells.


Your gaze follows a man as he walks over and takes a camera out.

"Is it live?" Stuart asks.

"It will be in 3...2...1. It's live." The man says.

"Tony you there?" Stuart asks.

"Yea I'm here." Tony says.

"Anyone else with you?" Stuart asks. Tony stays silent.

"There are three other men with him." The guy holding the camera says.

"Whoever you are. Tell me now." Stuart demands.

"Their names are Bucky, Sam, and Steve." Tony says.

"Well boys, I think you'll like this show." Stuart says. He moves out of the way. The cameras view goes to you.

On the other side, Tony winces at seeing you. Steve hangs his head low. Sam tries to look away. Bucky's metal hand forms into a tight fist.

"Is it ready?" Stuart asks.

"Yes sir." The man with the rod says.

"Start the burning." Stuart says.

Muffle screams come out of you. The chains clink together as you try and break free. Red spots form on your wrists, as you attempt to get out of the chains. Pained, broken cry's leave you. You look at the man with pleading eyes.

The guy with the rod hesitates. He looks over at Stuart.

"What are you waiting for? Burn her!" Stuart says.

He nods and looks back at you. You shake your head no. He takes small steps to you.

Stuart groans. "I've run out of patience." He says. He takes the rod from the guy and pushes it against your shoulder.

It punctures your skin. You scream. It's muffled, but the four on the other side of the camera can hear. Stuart takes the piece of fabric out of your mouth.

"Let them hear you scream." He says.

"Please! Stop! Stop! Please! Please!" You scream.

Like a broken record, you keep screaming the same thing over and over again. Stuart finally takes the rod out of your shoulder. You gasp with relief and let your head fall down.

I want Bucky. I want Bucky. I want Bucky.

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