Chapter 4

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The sun shines in your eyes. You groan and switch your head to the other side. You forgot to close your curtains last night.

"Mornin' păpuşă." Bucky says. His voice is all deep and raspy. Of course he has a sexy morning voice.

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep." You say.

"Yea on my chest." Bucky says.

"You can leave if you'd like. No ones keeping you here." You say.

Bucky's hugs you tighter, "I think I'll stay păpuşă." He says.

"Okay." You say. You subconsciously snuggle more into his chest. His heart starts beating faster, but you're to tired to really notice. Bucky starts to play with your hair again, and before you know it, you're fast asleep.

When you wake up, Bucky's still there. You peek up to look at him. He's awake.

"Mornin' again păpuşă." Bucky says.

"Morning." You say.

"Is my chest comfortable?" Bucky asks.

"What?" You ask and rub your eyes awake.

"Is. My. Chest. Comfortable?" He asks again.

You can feel the blush creeping up your neck. You go to get off of him. He pulls you back down.

"Answer the question." Bucky demands.

"Y-yea. Your chest is umm very comfortable." You say. There's no way you aren't redder than the kool aid man by now.

When Bucky demanded you to answer his question, normally you would've gone off about how you don't have to answer him. But for some reason you felt compelled to answer him.

Bucky let's go of you and you get off of him. He stands up and barley leaves an inch between the two of you.

"Do I make you nervous păpuşă?" Bucky asks.

"No. W-why would you think that?" You ask.

"You're stuttering. You don't stutter."

"How would you know. You don't even know me."

"You're a Stark. You don't stutter."

Bucky bites his bottom lip. Your gaze goes from his eyes to his lips for a split second. Bucky sees it and smirks. He steps closer to you. You step back. He keeps stepping closer to you until your back hits the wall.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened last night?" Bucky asks.

"I was kidnapped when I was 13. My dad owed these guys some money or something. They thought by taking me they would get it faster. Instead my dad let them have me. He finally gave them what they wanted when I was 16. But my kidnappers decided to keep me. They thought I was good value to them. Tony rescued me a year ago. I have nightmares about them torturing me. Except when I wake up, my mind is still in the nightmare." You say.

"I'm sorry. That must be tough. I understand why you were freaking out. I freak out when I wake up from my nightmares too sometimes. How old are you now?" Bucky asks.

"26." You say.

Bucky makes a confused face.

"I'm adopted." You say.

"Oh." Bucky says.

"Why are you still standing close to me?" You ask.

"Maybe I want to. Do you have a problem with it?" He asks while stepping closer to you.

Yes I have a problem with it. I hate you so much. Get the hell away from me.

"No." You say.

Stupid fucking whore. Control your god damn hormones.

"Good. So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" Bucky asks while leaning down and kissing your neck.

You stop breathing. Were you even breathing before? You don't know. He's kissing your neck. Let's focus on that instead.

"Does this bother you?" Bucky asks. His licks you neck and continues kissing it.

Yes it does. It bothers me. I will smack you so hard that it'll leave a mark.

"No." You say.

Okay so my feminisms card doesn't exist anymore? Cool.

"What about this?" Bucky asks. He bites down on your neck causing you to squirm.

He holds you in place. His flesh hand goes down and starts squeezing your ass. His metal one holds your waist.

"Is this okay?" He asks.

"Yes." You gasp out. Still trying to breath.

Wow I really am pathetic. Barely know this man and I'm letting him squeeze my ass.

Your hands travel up Bucky's chest. He groans at the feeling of your nails against his skin.

Bucky pulls you closer to him. He hikes your leg up with his flesh hand. You wrap your leg around his waist. He keeps kissing your neck while his flesh hand squeezes your ass.

"Is this okay?" Bucky asks.

"Yes." You say. Your hands move into his hair. "We should stop." You say.

Finally. I finally say a full sentence.

"We should, but do you want me to?" Bucky asks.

"No." You say.

Fucking shit. Fuck me already. No wait don't fuck me. That's not what I want you to do. I swear to god if I say that I will go die in a corner.

"I don't want you to stop." You say.

"As you wish păpuşă." Bucky says.

"Do you want to stop?" You ask him.

"No I absolutely do not want to stop." Bucky says. He licks your neck and then grazes his teeth against your skin causing you to get goosebumps.

He bites down on your neck. You moan without realizing you moaned. Bucky smirks against your neck.

"I still hate you." You say.

"Then I guess I'll just have to make you fall in love with me." Bucky says.

"This doesn't change anything between us." You say.

"Whatever you say păpuşă." Bucky says.

He really said păpuşă like that? Yea I'm fucking screwed.

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