chapter 25

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        Sades pov.

  My heart beat was all I could hear along with screams . Wait those where my screams . I couldn't form any words I was in shock .

       I felt the cuffs come off and I felt myself drop . Right beside Wendy she laid there with a bullet to her chest . Then everything came back to me it hit me like a hurricane .

        Wendy apologized and then she ...shot .... herse...she shot herself . "Stay with me Wendy please" my voice broke as I cried holding her in my arms my white shirt smoking in red .

          She smiled "keep them safe" I stopped crying looking at her . Befire her body went limp . That's when I broke .

         "Noooo" I felt tight arms wrap around me and the scent of mint and gun powder . I knew it was Jax but still I fought him . I couldn't help but blame myself . If I didn't run away with the boys maby we wouldn't be in this mess . 

        "Mom" I stopped fighting and looked up at Able with a so many tears in my eyes . He had tears in his eyes so I stood up Jax let go if me knowing I needed to be with Able .

        I held him in my arms as he cried we both cried . Soon ambulances came and took Wendy confirming she was dead .

        It had been about thirty minutes before we both stopped crying just holding eachother . I barley knew Wendy but it didn't mean I wanted her dead .

      I looked at Able "" he hugged me . "I will miss her but it wasn't your fault she made the choice to pull the trigger not you" . I smiled at him "you know for a six year old you are pretty wise" . He giggled wich made me smile bigger if thats even possible . "I've been told that before" we both let go of eachother looking around us .

         Alec Lucas Dom and Chase stood there talking to Lucas Remington and Jax was holding Able as well as talking to them .

        "AHHH SHIT" I held my stomach in pain . All the boys looked at me "take a picture it might last...." I couldn't finish because the sudden pain that was shooting through me . All the boys ran to me .

        My legs gave out and my body fell in Jaxs arms . Luckily there where a few cops . "Help her" I heard Jax say the worry in his voice was evident .

          I didn't know how many officers there where but two chuckled and one said no way in hell . So I did what all mothers who would protect there child would do .

         I fought through the pain I had to I bite down on my lip . I could taste the blood the disgusting taste of copper .

         I didn't care I pulled on Jaxs arm and got up wincing at every step I took . I counted 1...2....3...4...5 I stopped in front of the officers .

        I clenched my jaw holding onto teh cop car . "If you don't give me a ride to the hospital I swear I will go to jail fro murdering you but don't worry ill make sure it hurts so bad you'll have wanted me to kill you" .

      I held my stomach wincing as Jax helped me stand . "You think we are afraid if you" . The officer who said that was suddenly cornered by all the boys .

         "Don't hurt him we don't need that on your record right now" . I took deep breathes as I walked to my car I pulled my keys out . My balance was loosing control . So I grabbed onto the car so I could be steady .

         Jax took the keys and Remington helped me to the other side . We left the cops Able Thomas me Remington and Jax all drove to the hospital i was beginning to get sick of this hospital .

      The other boys rode their motorcycles behind us . "Jax" I looked up to him and he looked at me for a second worry covered his face before he looked back at the road .

          He nodded and I continued "im scared I don't say it often because I don't like to seem weak but I don't know if I will make it out alive or if my child will im scared .... so .... scared" .

        He put his hand on my thigh "I know baby but ill never leave your side" . I nodded I was always told all my life you'll be ok and it never claimed me down but whenever Jax said it I suddenly felt a weight leave my chest .

       We pulled up and we all got out "ahh" . I winced at the pain Jax picked me up and carried me . I held onto him neck . Before they laid me on a hospital bed . "I love you Jax" thats all I said before darkness took over .


   I opened my eyes and looked around this was my home . It was my home as a child . I looked at the house my house I was so confused . "REMINGTON STOP" I jumped at the sudden outburst . Before I looked behind me and saw two kids wait thats me and is that I gasped Remington .

          It looked like when we where younger . "Remington" both the kids looked at me . Remington smiled and mini me gave me a face .

          "Who are you" she asked with venom in her tone . "Shut up Sades" he looked at me . "Whats your name sweetheart" ?

            I gagged "first of all im your sister second ew and third no one wants to date trash" . I lived my brother but he never stopped if someone girl came up with a gun and said I'll shoot you he would ask fir her number .

          "HEY I say that" I looked at mini Sades . I walked to the both of them "how old are you" ? Mabey if I knew there age i could tell what time this was .

          "We are both nine and I think you need to get put of her its September Tenth and today is a bad day" . I looked at Remington .

         I know what today is its the day mom and dad got a divorce . So right now nanny mc.fugly was watching us . Today I remembered being so sad and Remington took my video game and I chased him until mom and dad got home but the cops came and took us away we where in foster care for two weeks . Until they made the decision to let us back home .

        I hated the world after that when I got home I remember Remington yelling at my parents for putting us there in taste position and me crying the whole time . I vowed to never let anyone agree to letting a man be in love with me .

          After all mommy and daddy aren't any happily ever after . All the memories swooped up on me and I gasped .

       Hey guys just got home from school and your bitch has got to do homework but I will start writing as soon as I get done love you please VOTE xoxo kenzie 😘❤


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