chapter 3

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          Sades pov.

  "He is in critical condition but you saved his life If you hadn't done what you did he would be dead" . I listened to teh doctors every words . "He is awake and I told him his friends sister is here but he disent remember im afraid he lost his memories" . I smiled knowing he didn't I just said I knew him so I could ride in the ambulance .

          "You can see him room 112 " I smiled "thanks doc" . As he left I smiled sighing in relief he is alive thats all I could think . I needed to find the blonde "Remington watch them im going to look for their mother" .

          He only noded as I walked to the front desk . "Have you seen the lady who was just here she gave me her kids and I just need to know where she is" .

         She gave me a friendly smile "she will be back she said she had to go do something but it shouldn't take long" . Really she was a bad mother I was a fucking stranger and she leaves her kids with me I understand while she is here but she really fucking left .

           "Ok if you see her tell her im in room 112" . "Alright sweetheart" I walked to my brother and the boys .

          "Lets go see one of my friends ok" Remington gave me a look I just shook my head . Abel took my hand as Remington held Thomas . We walked to teh room and I felt very anxious and worried . I hadn't known him but I feared it was my fault he was ran over .

         I opened the door as the four of us walked in . "Daddy" immediately the boys started shouting . "Hey no thats not your dad" . "Hey buddy" the stranger acted as if he knew them .

         "Who are you the stranger asked" "I could say the same" . He looked up "im there father" . "There is so much confusion right now Remington said" . I looked at him shaking my head and pulling up a chair . "So let me explain its a long story so be ready" .

        Very confused the stranger just nodded as he held Abel and Thomas . "Me and my brother decided to take a trip" . Remington waved and Jax did the same .

           "So we did we took a trip until we saw you there where cops behind you but we ignored it then you got really close to the truck I knew we should have moved but we didn't we ..... we ran you over " . Remington put his hand on my shoulder as I starred at my fingernails picking at them .

          " I begged for the cops to do something but they just stood there they acted like nothing happened so I took action I had to do something because they weren't my I knew your ling collapsed and I knew what I needed to do so Remington brought me everything and I performed a simple procedure" . Remington cut me off "she saved you life he said with pride" . I playfully smacked him as the stranger smiled .

           "Soon the ambulance came and loaded you up i told them you where my brothers friend and they happily let me and Remington in we arrived here and waited for four hours my brother went to get the truck and food I sat there and a few minutes after he left a day comes in she looks angry that was all I could find in her was anger as soon as her fist hit that desk Thomas started crying and Able jumped so I went to her and asked her for the kids she gave me there names and ages and we sat down while she handled whatever she was doing my brother came back with food we all ate and I noticed she was gone so we came here to see if you where ok and here we are" .

         The stranger shook his head i could tell he was angry . I looked into his eyes as he did the same . "Im sorry about the accident" . He sighed looking at my brother than back at me .

          "It isn't your fault .... I drove in front of the truck I was supposed to die" . I was shocked I knew he drove in front of the truck but I thought maby he thought we where going to stop .

         "Remington take the kids for ive cream" . "I don't have a carseat" . I cut my brother off . "Then walk" I didn't take my eyes off of the stranger .

      "Come on boys let's go get ice cream" Remington got the kids . "Why can't dad come" . Abel was already complaining "he is in trouble" Remington smiled the whole time he said that .

           They all three left and I gritted my teeth . "You wanted to die you have two fucking kids who look up to you and a wife who dosent know how to take care of those boys I mean fucking hell she left them with a stranger what if she left and I took them you would have been dead so what the hell could you have done about it right" .

         "Don't you think I know that I've done bad things ok I don't deserve shit" . His voice broke and in that moment I didn't care that we where strangers he just needed someone" .

          I sat on the bed next to him and hugged him . "Look im sorry ok it ... I've ..... I mean I've never killed someone before and I couldn't even  think about you dying" .

           "Its Jax or Jaxon Teller" I looked into his teary eyes and smiled . "Sades some call me Sads for short . He laid his head on my shoulder . "I was going to jail for murder" . I didn't feel scared or worried all I said was "I hope he deserved it" .

            Jax looked at me "i lost my girl  and killed my mom and step father surly you don't want to stay with me know" . I looked into his eyes "I will always want to stay i may not know you but it disent matter who you killed I know by the look in your eyes that they deserved it" .

             In that moment we drew closer and as our lips where about to collide the door busted open and in came his wife .

           Hey guys I didn't read over this one so there might be a few things wrong with it anyways hope you injoyed I love you xoxo kenzie 😘❤




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