chapter 10

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         Jax pov.

   I looked into Sabes eyes her beutiful green and brown eyes . I noticed how her eyes had this chocolate brown in the darkness but in the sun her eyes where bright green the way she looked in the sun I could watch her all day all she does is stand there and look perfect how does she do it .

             She was bloody and had cuts everywhere but still somehow she managed to look perfect . Seeing her hurt made me want to murder whoever did that to her . "Sades" I looked up to see the one who had kidnapped her pulling us out of our stares .

           I clenched my jaw why did he have to cause such trouble with my kids with her . I war beginning to do the unthinkable . I was beginning to fall in live with her . I couldn't i love Tara and nothing will change that not even her .

           I just want to get this over with I want her to leave so I won't have to think of her and the things I could do to her in bed . Stop I couldn't my mind was at war with itself she was driving me so fucking insane .

               I hadn't realized what had happened until I looked up to see Sades on her knees at gun point this fucker  had the nerve to involve my children and then hold Sades at gun point .

           Me and Remington stepped up begging him not to kill her . The teenage boy had had Remington at gun point and the man who stood with his leader had my kids and Rossevelt .

                 "Ah Jaxon Teller I've heard all about you the leader of a gang right your father was killed by the one who fell in love with your mother and then married her you lost your brother you watched as Clay betrayed the club as juice and your mom betrayed you" . The thoughts flashed through my head seeing Tara dead in my arms she was the one I loved . A flash of pain hit me in the gut I almost dropped to my knees but that's when I heard her .

            "I know what its like to lose someone you love again I know what its like for someone to betray you but those boys right there need you so don't give up not yet" . I looked in her eyes in her eyes I didn't see sorrow I seen someone who could somehow relate to me .

          "Enough Jaxon you choose who you want to die your little girlfriend or your sons" . He was getting on my fucking nerves I don't think I've ever wanted to kill someone so bad in my life until now In this moment .

            "You is that an option" my voice held pride and I held my head high . He pulled the trigger missing Sades leg by a inch . "I will kill all of you Jaxon if you don't choose" .

            Sudden fear rose up but I didn't show it I had to stay strong . "Give me the gun I will kill myself because I refuse to let those boys die and whenever I'm in hell I will know there is a spot for you to" .

               Sades had anger and determination in her voice I loved the way she felt for my kids . Tara was the only one to ever care for our kids besides Sades Wendy didn't give a shit and that would hurt Able .

            He got ready to shoot when Remington interrupted . "I stole the drugs me not her I didn't pay you me not her she is a good kid with a messed up life and it's my fault I tried my hardest to always keep her safe but I failed her and my mom my father hates me and her but she used to be daddys girl until she chose me that made him hate her if you want to kill someone kill me im the one who deserves death" .

             I was shocked I had heard a little bit of their story but not much . "No" Sabes yelled as they let her go and took Remington instead . He gave his sister the look of goodbye .

           "No that was not in the deal" thats all I could say . He smiled "so you want Sades to be the one dead" . Ugh he was getting on my fucking nerves . "Me kill me" that was it my life had no meaning my kids would soon look at there father as a killer and I was so I deserved no life .

            I looked at my kids to see worry flashing there eyes Thomas was crying Abel looked like he was debating on something but I ignored it . The guy who had Remington finally spoke .

            "I will kill Remington and Sades that's my eye for an eye" . I was ready to speak again but aloud bang caught my eye .

              I turned around to see Abel holding a gun ? Shit that's all I could think no one was dead but I had a feeling he would kill someone .

           He started walking to me "drop the gun little boy" . A man said but he ran handing it to me . He giggled at the man "you messed with the wrong dad" .

             Ok so I was like 99.99 percent sure my son was a BADASS . Abel and Thomas stood behind me . I had his son "let them go" . His face dropped as he let Remington go but still held on to Sades .

             He held he thought so hard she whimpered . I wanted to watch that mother fucker burn to ash as I laughed and put his ashes in teh tras where he belonged .

             "Stop I will kill him" he thought I was bluffing at first I was but he hurt her he hurt Sades . So to prove my point I shot his foot . I knew it wast the worst I learned from Tara that an injury like that is usually more fixable .

            "Fine" he whispered in Sades ear before letting her go . Sades started walking to me as did Remington and the teenage boy limped to his father .

             Sades had a little trouble walking so Remington helped as soon as she reached me she grabbed the gun and shot . Shock and suprise thats all I felt before pain .

                Hey guys I didn't read through this one so yes there will be mistakes I hope all of you injoyed please VOTE I love you xoxo kenzie 😘❤

You Saved Me / A Jax Teller Love Story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz