chapter 4

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      Sades pov.

  "Jax" the stranger says I hop out of the bed . A few men came in as well there wher about twelve . "Why the hell are you here and where the fuck are my kids" .

          I sighed getting annoyed "they are out for I've scream they should be here soon" . As if on cue the boys and my brother come in all of them laughing .

         "Holy hell I've got to stop leaving you alone if more people are always going to come" . I just starred at the blonde headed stranger .

           "Im should be on my way me and my brother need to handle some stuff" I gave a tight smile to Jax . As I began to walk away one if the boys slapped me on my ass .

         I had his arm behind his back and him to the wall with in seconds . "In what world do you get to touch a lady without her permission because it ain't mine" . My brother stepped forward "if I ever see you lay a hand on my sister again you will be as good as dead is that understood" .

          Now the other guys where standing up ready to fight . "Stop there are kids in here so you can fight me but I won't fight back I will go to the cops though a new girl in town got sexaully assaulted by some biker boy" .

          I smiled the whole time taking pleasure in it . "You wouldn't dare" his voice was sharp and could send knives through your heart but he brought the knife and I brought the gun . "Try me" I spoke through gritted teeth .

         "Both of you knock your shit off" I looked over at Jax who seemed quite annoyed . I took one more look at the man who touched me and let him go roughly .

           My brother rapped his arm around my neck as we began to walk out . "Wait" I turned around and saw Able by me . "Please let me come with you I dont want to stay here" . I looked up at the blonde girl I winder why I thought sarcastically .

        I bent down to his level "look kid I've got to go you really don't even know me and" . He cut me off "I don't know you but I know her" . He pointed to the stranger who I thought to be his mom and if she was she must not be a very good one .

           "I know that she is my mom but I don't want to stay with her I want to go with you until dad can come home and watch us" . I looked to him and he wrapped his little arms around my neck .

           In that moment I felt that I couldn't stay away now not from him or his brother not even from his dad . I hugged him back and looked to Jax . "Able come on she's got to go" the blonde stranger begin pulling him off if me but Thomas came to me and held his arms up for me to hold him .

        I picked him up "your name what is it I asked looking to the stranger" . She sighed angirly "Wendy" . I looked to her then Abel and Thomas .

            "Well Wendy I understand you left both of your kids with a stranger and then expect to take then back I think they need a safer place to stay and with you how can we trust you wont give them to someone else" . She scoffed and I just looked at her with raised eyebrows .

           "Listen bitch Thomas is not mine so do whatever the hell you want with him but Able is mine and I shall do whatever I please with him . Ohh I know the fuck she didn't .

          I put Thomas down "both of you turn your heads ok Able a Thomas turned around" . "Don't loose control like last time my brother added" .

         Oh yeah last time I almost killed someone I had to be careful I couldn't let my anger control me ok maby just a little . "You think its ok to act as if a child isn't yours blood or not they lived you and ohhh" . I smiled punching her I twisted my fist a bit see I no as it hada throbbing pain .

        I had blood on my fist but it wasn't mine it was hers . My whole shirt know covered in blood from Jax and Wendy . "Who in the hell are you a guy asked" I smiled someone you don't want to know .

         "Sades Able shouted" he hugged me Wendy was ready to hit me but Jax stopped her . "Thats enough Wendy get out" .The shock on her face was everything if not more . "What" she was speechless .

            "You heard me by law you have no ties to Able you lost that when you done drugs and about killed him . I was shocked she had the nerve to come see him what after she got put of jail pathetic I had to remember though that I shouldn't be the one to judge I wasn't taught to be evil and judge others without knowing them so I didn't it wasn't me who should judge I just hoped she got better for Ables sake .

          I sighed looking at Wendy as she left . Thomas held his arms up as I picked him up . "Jackie boy we have some news about the club" .

           Jax looked at me "do you mind giving us a moment" . I looked into his eyes seeing stress in them I bit my lip I thought before I decided . "I don't know about your club or your life but I know you just overcame one of the biggest surrgries and I know whatever there about to tell you is going to bring more stress so I'm going to be the boss for a little bit" .

          He looked taken back "all of you biker boys out now if you got something that you need then work together to figure it out your grown men and Mr.Teller here is not a God so go . Some smirked some smiled some clapped Jax on the back but all of them left .

         "Is she always bossy" Jax was talking to Remington . He smiled "ninty nine point ninty nine percent of the time" . Jax looked like he was thinking "tell me why I'm not shocked" .

          I rolled my eyes as I noticed Thomas had fallen asleep on my shoulder I smiled . Abel had crawled up in the bed and fallen asleep as well . I sat on the chair "looks like we're staying .

         Remington sat down Jax laued down all was well I was happy and smiling I hadn't felt this happy in I can't remember when . I was falling fir him I was falling hard . I couldn't though I wouldn't allow myself to . I would only stay tell Jax gets better than me and Remington are out of here .

          Until then I was here so that nigbt we had are whole life stories revealed and secrets shared until everyone finally rested and went to sleep for twommoro was a new long day .

               Hey guys I didn't read through this either I know but im trying to get alot of chapters done so yeah here is this one VOTE PLEASE i love you xoxo kenzie 😘❤

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