chapter 5

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Sades pov.

I opened my eyes and looked around the sun shown brightly through the window as it blinded me . Everyone was still asleep everyone but Able and Thomas both boys where missing .

I got up freaking out but when I heard giggles in the bathroom I knew that nothing happened to them but they where infact up to something .

"Boo" both boys jumped and I laughed but that quickly changed when I realized bubbles where everywhere now it was them who where laughing .

I pointed my finger "boys" they stopped giggling my voice was stern . "Please don't do anything like this again" . "Able hung his head "yes mam" . I came to him and Thomas and hugged both of them . "Dad disent have to know" . Able looked at me with excitement .

"It dosent mean you should do it again" . He and Thomas noded we cleaned up the bathroom and by the time we where done everyone was hungry .

"Im hungry" "bite bite now" ok boys stop we will go get some breakfast it was eight . I knew I didn't have a car seat so I had a plan . I left a note for Jax and my brother as I took the boys to the little store it was a few blocks from the hospital .

We walked in and the little bell rang . "Hello may I help you with anything in particular" . I looked up at the nice lady . "Car seats would be nice" she came out with a booster seat and a toddler car seat .

Able came back with a little tow car and a little bear that sung and danced . "Can me and Thomas have these please" Thomas let go of my hand and took the teddy bear . "Able we can't" he cut me off "please" . He gave me the best puppy dog eyes "no" my tone was demanding .

We walked out of the shop with two car seats a toy car and teddy bear . Ok so maby I caved but his puppy dog eyes it was impossible not to .

The truck had three roll seating so I placed the boys in and buckled them up . They had so much fun seeing as it was a new car .

Jax pov.

I woke up wiping sitting up and looking around . I let all the events from yesterday set in . A bright smile spread across my face . "Whats got you in a good mood" . I looked up to see Remington starring at me .

"Nothing where is your sister and my kids" . He smiled he knew didn't he "there gone they went to get breakfast and go shopping so it could take awhile" . I playfully roll my eyes when there is a knock at the door .

A nurse came in with food "Sades brought this for you she told me to tell the both of you that she could be gone all day not sure yet and the hospital food is disgusting so she brought yall food " .

I smiled at the thought the boys really loved her . That all changed when a rush of guilt took over . Tara what would she say about this he refused to get close to her and and he didn't want the kids near her anymore they can't get attached not now not ever .

Jax and Remington ate there food and talked when the door opened harshly . There where two officers Eli Rossevelt and one of the others .

Jaxon Teller you are underarrest for the murder of Brendan Roarke . The put me in hand cuffs it hurt so much . I was still sore from yesterday but I didn't show any emotion but anger .

As I was being put in hand cuffs I heard a familiar voice . "The hell are you doing" . Sabes turned to my sons "whatever I do don't repeat" . Able giggled shit she was about to get in alot of trouble .

"Sabes" me and Remington said at the same time . It was to late she was on top of the officer reapedatly pushing him . Rosevelt had to get her off even then she was able to punch him and tho other officer looked absolutely terrible he had blood gushing out of his nose and his eye was swollen .

They wrapped her in hand cuffs but still she didn't calm down . Remington got up i got this is all he said "don't try anything" . Roosevelt moved back and let Remington to his sister .

He looked at her with sorrow "hey look at me Sades Elise Tukwila I refuse to let you fall apart so don't you give up not yet I know what happened before but this is know ok you went shopping and had a good time you where happy remember" . He brushed her hair out of her face and held her tightly as she slowly but surly calmed down .

It lasted a minute before they loaded me and Sades up in the police car . I looked at her as the car started "that little bitch is going to pay" the officer with a know broken nose and bruised eye said .

Sades looked in the rear view mirror "make me pay then" her eyebrows where raised and she was smirking .

"You little" the officer said but was cut off by Rosevelt . "Both if you shut the hell up" . Sabes smiled "happily" wow she really was trying to pass them off .

"Sabes tell me where exactly did you come from" . She grew quiet Rosevelt smiled he knew something . "Oh yeah thats right Oakland you and your brother stole a truck and went on the run because you where in a drug circle I know all about it we are looking at most five years and how about we count the number of robberies rapes and murders" .

It was no longer her smirking it was now him . She remained quiet and did not dare to face one of us . "How could you I trusted you with my kids I swear of you laid a finger in them I will kill you myself" .

I made sure the anger in my tone was evident . She looked at me "I wouldn't ever" she had gritted teeth and the anger was abious . "How do I know you said you've never killed someone but you lied you stole raped murder you are an evil little liar and I hope you burn in hell for it" . She looked toward the window I did the same .

I didn't read through this one either but im going in a trip twommoro so I tried to do as much as I could I love you all xoxo kenzie 😘❤

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