chapter 13

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          Sades pov.

   I woke up to crying i checked the time it was ten . I sighed the boys probably hadn't even woken up yet . Although I wasn't the boys mother and wasn't staying much longer I felt I could get used to this life style .

          I walked to Thomas's room I turned in the light and he smiled . "Good morning my love bug" . He giggled at the name . I picked him up "you wanna go see of bubby is awake" ?

             His smile was the citest think I've ever seen . I walked to Ables room and started freaking out when I didn't see him in his bed . I walked out to the kitchen he wasn't then the living room he wasnt there either neither where Jax and Remington .

        I walked out side and the car along with the motorcycle where still there In fact there where more motorcycles .  I heard giggling and chuckling in the back so I walked back there .

        A gate surround the back I opened it and it reveled eight men in leather jackets Jax being one if them my brother and Able . I sighed in relief as Thomas giggled everyone looked up at us .

           I realized I was still in my pajamas . Honestly I didn't care i sad Thomas down to go play . "Ptsd moment" Remington said sarcastically .

            I would have put up my middle finger but there where children present instead rolled my eyes . "Your up" Able ran to me hugging me . I smiled happily taking the hug .

               I yawned "im going to go inside and you better hope there is coffee or I will give you" . I didn't finish i was going to say hell but I couldn't cuss not in front of them .

          "Damn" i turned around looking at the one who just cussed . It was the one who had touched me on my butt . Again your girl here hasn't had coffee and she will kill .

        I closed my eyes smiling and turning around . As I walked in side I heard him say "the things I to her" . "Ohh men" I said going in and realizing the coffee wasn't made . I went to make more but he was out of coffee .

           I went out side going to my brother who shot Jax a shit we didn't make coffee look and Jax just shot him the what could possibly go wrong look . I smirked I'll show him what could possibly go wrong .

            I grabbed the keys from Remington then I went to Jax and pulled out his wallet pulling out a card . I through him his wallet "wait give me back me debit card" .

           I smiled you guys want to go with me I said looking at Thomas and Able . They happily got in the car I buckled in Thomas . "I will be back" i smirked "and when I am the whole house better be spotless" . I pulled out of the drive was driving to the coffee shop .

                           Jax pov.

      "Damn that was hot" Tig said with a smirk . I glared at him he just couldn't stop annoying Sades . "Ass hat lay off my sister" . Remington was getting just as annoyed as I was .

         "What you going to do about it" Tig held his ground and I held mine . Before Remington could say anything I cut in "its not what he will do about it is what I will do about it" .

            He stayed quite "now tonight we will handle the business with the Myans for now ive got a house to clean" . Remington shot me a smirk as did others .

           Everyone left me and Remington went inside and began cleaning . "So man do you plan on staying" . I asked the question that had been bugging me and it wouldn't stop until i asked so I grew so damn balls and did so .

           "I don't know i mean it us up with Sades we never do anything without each other I kinda want to get her back to singing she loved it and I lived that she loved it" . Remington finished living my mouth a gape .

             "She sings" I questioned he gave a light chuckle . "Yeah she loved singing when we planning on moving to New York she actually had a manager getting her up there she was doing amazing until the car accident it broke us both but I didn't get to grieve because I felt I needed to be there  for my sister and I was I never grieved I cried some nights but my sister became happy and got used to cars and we where ok I wish William and Amilia would of lived i blame myself everyday if I didn't sit in the back I wouldn't of lived and maby Amilia or William would of but the bot went flying out of the wind shield they never wore seat belts it was ridiculous but it was there way if taking risks" .

          He sighed sadly finishing I remember when I gotten ran over God that must of triggered so much for Remington I didn't even think about that .

            "To answer your question I think we will stay I want to settle down and I think its time we do so" . I couldn't help the smile that worked its way up to my lips . I was happy Remington was staying I was happy Sades was staying but my facial expressions changed when I pictured Tara .

           I couldn't like Sades i couldn't I closed my eyes letting go of all the thoughts of me and Sades as if some way to punish me Sades walks in . "Damn it" I blurted out leaving the rag I used to clean off the counter we and going to my room .

             I threw myself on the bed it was kinda childish I must admit but the fucking fate shot was to . About an hour I heard my door open I assumed it was Remington so I ignored it . I felt someone lightly touch my back before I heard the most beautiful voice .

           "Look Jax I don't know what's got you so pissed but it dosent give you the right to act like a complete jackass" . I sat up ready to say something anything really but nothing came out .

            So Sades spoke again "I don't know what I did to piss you off but-" . I cut her off kissing her shock thats what we both felt but the tingling sensation sent chills down my spine . I needed her more than ever . But of course I see a image of Tara I pull back quickly leaving a very stunned Sades .

         We sat in awkward silence for a moment it two before I finally spoke . "I think it would be best if we remained friends" . I couldn't love her I loved Tara and Tara was the only person I would love . "Friends" Sabes gave a tight smile before leaving . I didn't love Sades I could only have one true live and to was Tara or so I thought .

              Hey guys sup I hope you injoyed I love you no I didn't read through it but I plan on fixing the messes of the book when its done I love all of you please VOTE xoxo kenzie 😘❤





You Saved Me / A Jax Teller Love Story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें