Future Time

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Well, here we are at the last chapter. Thank you for 170+ votes and 2.75k+ reads! I will have another note at the end of this chapter talking about my plans for a new fanfic after this one. Without further ado, here's the final chapter :)

"The target is liquidated, the planet is safe. Your hard work over the past year has paid off." Karasuma speaks from the front of the classroom, Irina standing next to him once we all wake up, listening attentively. "I imagine you'll find a few things difficult to swallow. Being stuck under constant surveillance, for examples, or the fact that you've all been slapped with a gag order. Naturally, I'll do whatever I can to lessen the burden. My apologies in advance for the inconvenience."

"It's alright Mr.Karasuma, we'll be fine. No worries, whatever settles this, we're on board. We can handle it." Maehara says. Having my privacy being taken away will make me feel a bit self conscious, but the consequences could've been a lot worse so I guess I am a little thankful.

"Seriously. We don't want to complicate things for you." Okano agrees."

"That said though, we do have one tiny request." Kataoka speaks, standing up behind her desk, drawing our attention to her. "Kunigigaoka's graduation ceremony is this afternoon, sir. I think we've earned the right to be a part of it. Let us walk across the stage in honor of Korosensei's memory."

"Sure." Karasuma says, nodding with a small smile on his face. "Yes, of course. I'll handle things and make the necessary arrangements."

"E class, rise!" Isogai says, standing up, the rest of us quickly following suit, bowing. "Mr.Karasuma, Professor Bitch, for everything you've taught us, we are eternally grateful."

"We are eternally grateful." The rest of us repeat.

"So, where's the ceremony exactly?" Maehara asks before my classmates begin to chat with one another. It almost feels like nothing's changed. But the reality is, everything has. A small smile slides on my face.

At noon, after changing into our uniforms, we arrive at the graduation ceremony. One by one, we are all called up by Principal Asano to receive our diplomas. After the ceremony, the rest of E class and I stand in a group together. A moment of peace passes before numerous feet pound against the ground as a mob makes their way towards us.

"Ceremony's over. They're letting out."

"Time to get some reactions!"

"Easy folks! This place is off limits to the media." Karasuma says, throwing himself in front of us and blocking the reporters trying to shove past the doors to get to us. A bunch of government workers form a line, struggling to hold the ravenous reporters back.

"Tell us about the monster, did he die?"

"How did he die? What was it like?"

"Tell us how you're feeling at the moment!"

"Are you kids really the ones who killed him?"

"Give me a break! I'm trying to do my job!" One of the government workers groans.

"Have you no shame? These children have already been through enough. You're all vultures!" Karasuma says, joining his coworkers in pushing the crowd back before looking back over his shoulder at us. "Everybody outside. There's a bus on standby at the main gate." Karasuma says. One reporter somehow manages to get through and shoves a microphone at us but he is pushed away by... What are the big five doing here? Asano snaps his fingers and a cover is thrown over us, shielding is from above.

"What's the big idea?"

"You're messing with our coverage!"

The reporters complain, crawling over one another to reach us, though Asano just waves a hand  at them before him and his lackeys escort us outside.

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