Outer Space Time

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Hello and thank you for 1.5k+ reads! It's a little short, but here's today's chapter :)

"Yes! Consider this the assassination classroom's out of season research project!" Korosensei exclaims, prompting the chatter around the classroom as we look into any possible way to save Korosensei before the yellow blob calls us around him. "The re-entry capsule carrying the research data will plunge into the Pacific Ocean. As a precaution against potential theft by the super creature to which the said data pertains, the capsule will remain unopened while on route to the lab. An insightful provision on their part. I'm not equipped to handle heavy objects, you see. A five ton capsule might as well be a reinforced bank safe for all I'd be able to carry it." Korosensei explains.

"Which is why we'll get them to show us the goods before re-entry. Still though, does Japan really have the tech to launch and unmanned rocket into space?" Okano asks.

"It's hard to believe, but as it so happens, yes. Of course, I might've had a little something to do with that, but it's whatever." Korosensei says. This might be risky, but with all of us working together, we'll definitely be able to pull it off! Or, at least I'd like to say that. It's happened thus far, but that doesn't keep from still being a bit nervous. Scratch that; I'm a lot nervous.

The next day, Isogai takes a spot at the front of the classroom, the rest of us facing him in our seats.

"Okay, we have a plan. Time to put that plan into action. First off, the rocket only holds two people. Who's going?" He asks.

"Me!" A majority of the boys exclaim, thrusting their hands in the air. How are they so enthusiastic? They could die!

"Okay..." Isogai trails off after seeing the overwhelming response from the males.

"Oh wonderful. Boys will be boys." Nakamura sighs, resting her head on the palm of her hand.

"This is an experimental vessel, with has no successful flights. Who's going now?!" Korosensei asks enthusiastically.

"Uh..." most of the boys murmur, slowly taking back their hands.

"I thought so." Korosensei muses.

"I want to go anyway." A quiet voice says, catching or attention. I turn my head to the side and find the owner of the voice. Itona? "I love technology, the whole idea makes my mouth water. It's just, it's clear to me who should go. Nagisa, Karma."

"What? Look, I'm not that fond of taking big risks, especially with my life on the line. Why don't you send Terasaka and a dummy instead? They're expendable." Karma questions, leaning back in his chair.

"Asshole!" Terasaka screeches.

"Karma the fighter, in case there's a scuffle and Nagisa the assassin, just to be safe. That seems like a pretty ideal hijacking team to me." Kataoka says with a smile. They do work well together when they want to.

"Great. Everyone save up some money so we can cover the costs." Isogai announces as Terasaka marches over to Karma's desk.

"Don't even think of skipping out on this man, you nearly killed each other trying to get us all on the same page! Be responsible for once in your life and take charge!" Terasaka huffs, poking the redheads shoulder while Karma looks away in disinterest.

"You guys, I say we give it a shot. What's better than a trip to outer space with your best friend? Eh, come on." Nagisa says with a smile.

"Sure, fine. I did promise to hear you out, didn't I?" Karma answers.

"Excellent. Then it's settled." Korosensei agrees.

The day of the mission begins with Karma, Nagisa, Yada, Kurahashi, and Kimura departing for the launching facility. The plan is for Yada and Kurahashi to break in and distract the scientists while Kimura plugs Ritsu in so that she can work in the systems to help Karma and Nagisa get in the ship. As they do that, the rest of us waiting at the watching area. After a while, Yada, Kurahashi, and Mimura join back up with us right as the 100 count for the rocket's departure starts. Most of my classmates stay standing, though a few of us sit down to watch. Those people being me, Itona, Kayano, Fuwa, and Nakamura. While waiting for the rocket to fly away, Itona places his hand on top of mine. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kayano looking at us curiously before a small smirk makes its way onto her face and she winks at me before looking back at the aircraft.

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