Itona Horibe's Time

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"So strong. But compared to me, so weak." Itona says before dropping down into the pen with Korosensei.

"It's Itona!" Nagisa, Kayano, Fuwa, and I exclaim. Itona's tentacles now look as if they have some kind of armor on them.

"I'm afraid drastic changes to the playing field were in order. You understand, I'm sure." Shiro says as Itona jabs down into the pen at Korosensei who seemed to be dodging by the whooshing sounds. "Ensnare first, strike second, very effective. As you can see, we've taken a page from their tactics." Shiro continues once we appear a little bit away.

"You dirty...! I should've known it was you behind all this!" Terasaka growls.

"Indeed. When the trust of students is on the line, this creature panics. If something seems a bit fishy, no matter. The fool plunges in head first." Shiro says smoothly, his tone never wavering.

"Ug, dammit! The bastard's stealing our kill." Terasaka says.

"This totally counts as fighting dirty in case you didn't know!" Fuwa protests.

"Also commonly referred to as being an adult. Note the gloves on Itona's tentacles. The edges are sharp and constructed of anti-sensei material." Shiro says. But wouldn't those harm Itona as well? They do have the same sort of tentacles and physical weaknesses. There's probably another layer of something else's in between the anti-sensei material and Itona's tentacles. "Each defensive stroke by your teacher results in ever increasing damage to his limbs. Though that won't quite be enough to finish him off."

"I've won big brother. Give up already. This is just how it is." Itona says as he glides through the air near Korosensei, having successfully removed one of Korosensei's tentacles before grabbing him and holding him up. "I have one problem to solve. You!" Itona shouts as he throws Korosensei onto the ground with a big thud. "At last. I will prove my strength!" Itona says as he plunges his tentacles into the pen, though from the irritated look on Itona's face, I can deduce that Korosensei had dodged his attacks.

"Bravo! Well done Itona! If we were in then first term right now, this might've actually worked. One criticism though. Your attack pattern is rather transparent. However fast you are, however strong, however many schemes your guardian thinks up, however prone I am to panic, by our third bout I can adapt to the idiosyncrasies of your fighting style with ease." Korosensei says cockily while Itona scowls.

"No way! It's not possible!" Itona yells as he hurls all of his tentacles into one corner of the pen with full force which leads me to assume that that is where Korosensei is.

"Dear boy, I study too, you realize. How could I mold young minds if I didn't? A true teacher misses no opportunity to learn. Now then, let's get rid of this dangerous cage, shall we? Incidentally, trying out my absolute defense form over the summer break taught me a very valuable skill. How to release a burst of energy by compressing, not my body, but only the tips of my tentacles." Korosensei says as I see a bright, pulsing light glowing from inside the pen.

"What?" Shiro asks in disbelief while Itona growls in anger.

"Remember this, Itona. Assassination is education, I say. And in an assassination classroom, the teacher grows stronger with every lesson." Korosensei says before releasing the build up of energy, a pillar of light momentarily bursting into the sky. A blinding light fills my vision even though I look away and close my eyes. Once the light disappears, I open my eyes and blink a few times, seeing an unconscious Itona being held by Korosensei. Great, because he just had to become even more overpowered.

"Well, there you have it Shiro. I will suggest you go quietly and leave him to E class. Also, I'd appreciate it if you'd spread the word that I am not, in fact, an underwear thief!" Korosensei exclaims.

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