Discord Time

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Hello, and thank you for 1.1k+ reads and 105+ votes! Here's today's chapter :)

"Save him? By like, finding a way to keep him from self detonating come March or what?" Mimura asks.

"Where do we start?" Okano adds.

"Well, I don't know. Yet. But..." Nagisa trails off. I see a frown grow on Karma's face.

"Totally! I'm game! Korosensei's way to good of a big hunting buddy to let explode." Kurahashi exclaims with a close-eyed smile.

"Kurahashi..." Nagisa murmurs and Kataoka takes a few steps closer to Nagisa.

"Thank you for bringing it up. If you hadn't said something, I would've. Saving him is the least we can do." Kataoka says with a small smile. That's true, but we don't have much time to figure something out. And what have we worked for this whole time? He's been training us since day one for this specific task, it would almost be betrayal. Korosensei has known for nearly a year that he'd die, so he's probably come to terms with it by now, and knowing his past he probably doesn't feel like he deserves to survive past then, which is really sad.

"So you're on board?" Nagisa asks her.

"Seems appropriate. It is what this class has been leading to." Hara says with a smile. Not really. Sugino smiles, looking determined while holding up a fist.

"Damn right. I'm in. As far as I'm concerned it's a whole new challenge." He says.

"Like a new show. Sort of." Fuwa agrees.

"I really don't want to live with the guilt. I mean, we're at least obligated to give it a shot." Okano says, stepping forward as well. An uneasy feeling tingles in my stomach.

"Guys you..." Nagisa stops, looking relieved as half of our classmates gather around him.

"I really hate to be the one who spoils the mood. But I'm against it." Nakamura says, catching their attention as she steps out from under a tree. "We're assassins, he's the target. That's our bond. Korosensei said so himself. I don't know about you, but I cherish that bond. Think about it. Not killing him would defeat the purpose." She explains. I look around and notice I'm not the only one to hang back. Terasaka and his group have as well as a few others, Itona perched in a tree.

"Nakamura, I... you're against it?" Nagisa asks, looking taken aback by her statement as Itona jumps out of his tree to stand by the rest of the people backing up Nakamura, but still, I don't move.

"Look, we get you wanting to save him and all, but how do we even know it's doable?" Terasaka asks skeptically.

"Well, I-" Nagisa is cut of.

"You act like you're the only one who's been thinking about this." Yoshida says.

"Also, what happens if the clock runs out on us before we find a way? Did you consider that?" Muramatsu asks.

"Seriously. You want the octopus's last thought to be 'Damn, my students are a bunch of half asses'?" Terasaka growls.

"No! But we owe it to him-" Nagisa starts, only to be cut off once more.

"Always the talented ones, huh?" Karma finally speaks up, his voice unusually dark. "Figuring whatever the odds, in the end, things will always work out. Wow, listen to you. Getting a tad full of yourself there chief. Granted, you're the most gifted one in our class, but seriously, we should just up and scrap the whole assassination plan? What about the underdogs? Those of us who work ourselves sick just to squeak by on what little talent we have. How are we supposed to feel?" Karma asks, pacing closer to Nagisa before stopping, only a few feet away. "You're like a hot chick telling your homely friends that there's no point in trying to find a man. 'Course you don't have a problem with changing the rules, you've already won the game."

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