Before and After Time

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Hi, so I have some not so great news. On Thursday I was sent home from school early because I was noted to have been in close contact with another student at my school that had tested positive for Covid-19. This doesn't necessarily mean that I have it, I haven't had any symptoms yet, but I'm getting tested for it later today. Unless something goes wrong for some reason, I should be able to tell you guys if I do have it or not on Wednesday. On a happier note, thank you for 175+ reads, 20+ votes, and a special thank you to BunnyLongEar for voting. Here's today's chapter.

"Okie dokie, boys and girls. The second term midterms are only two weeks away! The time has come to surpass A class. I want us going into this red hot. Hotter than Hades. Hotter than the sun!" Korosensei says, zipping around the room.

"That's too hot!" Maehara complains. We have been studying pretty much nonstop since the pole-toppling event. There's only five months left until the deadline to kill Korosensei and we are all on edge because with all the studying we've been doing, we haven't been left with much time to practice or assassination skills. My mom was busy this afternoon so I had to walk home and Karma decided to come with me. When we were almost at my house when Karma gets a call from Nagisa. They exchange a few words before Karma turns to me.

"It seems that our classmates injured an old man while jumping around rooftops on the way home and Korosensei has prohibited us from studying until midterms. And we have to help take care of a bunch of kids at the cram school that the man works at because he can't work for the next two weeks since he's stuck in the hospital." Karma says.

"I swear, some of them need constant supervision." I mutter.

"I'm sure you'll still do fine. I don't think you even stopped studying in the first place." Karma laughs.

"Eh, I suppose. I definitely study more when it gets closer to exam time though. And now we have to deal with kids..." I groan.

"You don't like kids?" He asks.

"I don't hate them but I don't particularly like them either. I have been told I am good with them though." I say.

"Hmm. Well, if nothing else. tomorrow should be interesting." Karma says as we approach my house. "I'll see you then."

"Yep. Bye." I say before opening my door and waving at him. It will certainly be odd to see how Karma is around kids. And Itona. He's so blunt that he can come across as rude so I don't know how he would handle children. The next day, we go to the cram school to help with the kids instead of the E class building. The singular worker there is explaining what had happened to the kids and introducing us.

"Attention children, I have news. I'm afraid that Principal Matsukata has been hurt and we won't be seeing him for a while." She says as the kids whine in dismay before the worker turns to introduce us. "Now, now, don't worry, he's fine. And until he's back, these young men and women will be here to lend us a hand. Isn't that's nice?" The lady says and we nervously give the children small smiles.

"Yay!" The children cheer. Well, except one grumpy looking, pink haired girl. She turns her head away from us and scowls.

"Seriously? Why do I have to watch these freaking zygotes for something I didn't even do?" Hazama asks as a few girls surround her while asking questions.

"Worst job ever." Terasaka complains as two kids climb all over him, one biting him.

"You're being eaten." Hazama says.

"Hey, were a team. We all got a sticky slap. He said for even one of us to learn their lesson the whole class has to be on board." Hara says.

"I'm sorry guys." Okajima says, looking down in shame. Oh, that's right. It was Okajima and Kimura that had fallen on Mr.Matsukata in the first place.

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