Leader Time

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Hello. Thank you to everyone who came over from my Karma book, I really appreciate it. Also, it already has 125+ reads and 10+ votes, so thank you for that as well. I'm going to try and make it as different as possible without having (Y/n) break character too much, but she's already gone out of her comfort zone a lot by just starting a conversation with Itona so I apologize. Here's today's update :)

Nagisa and Kayano had invited me to go with them to the restaurant that Isogai works at over the weekend, but I declined in favor of catching up on some reading and studying. However, a while later Kayano informed me that our class had gotten into another bet with class A, this time in the form of a pole-toppling match. Because having a job is technically against school guidelines, if our class wins, Isogai can keep his job, but he has to quit if we lose. I can't help very much with this. The pole-toppling event is mainly for the boys. Well, I hope they win, maybe I can be moral support. Isogai is one of the few guys in he class that are okay. Those boys being Karma, Nagisa, Isogai, and Itona. He's a bit iffy sometimes though because of the whole looking up girls skirts thing. Karma had informed me about the boys having a meeting to discuss this and how Isogai tried to keep everyone out of it but in the end they all ended up agreeing and coming up with a plan.

On the day of the sporting events, most of us don't do too well. Of course, there are a few exceptions. Those being Kimura in the races, Hara in the contest for who could eat a bun fastest without using her hands, and Kayano in an obstacle course because her small body is so maneuverable. Korosensei is giving some of the boys, mainly Isogai, a pep talk before the pole-toppling to hype them up.

"Next up we have an exhibition match. E class must be feeling lucky folks, because they've challenged A class to a battle. Something tells me Kunugigaoka's elite will make them live to regret it." The announcer says. E class and A class are lined up, parallel to each other, the boys from my class are all wearing white headbands while A class is all wearing red head protectors. Of course they would take more precautions for the 'more important' class. A class also has four, very buff looking, foreign exchange students that don't exactly look like junior high kids. They look too old to be in Junior High, even if they are third years like us.

"In the spirit of cultural diversity, the spirit of this exhibition match will star our foreign exchange students. All of them." The announcer says. A class crowds around their poll, Asano climbing to take the position at the top with a few others, such as the foreigners, on offense. The boys in my class all surround the poll with Isogai at the top. A class mutters in confusion since no one from my class are in any sort of offensive position. This reminds me of Korosensei's, what was it called again? Ultimate defense... something?

"Okay... Apparently E classes strategy is to go all in on defense. Are they cowed by the gap in skill? Whatever they're thinking, let the games begin!" The announcer shouts.

"Offensive line, go line left." Asano orders.

"Roger that." One of the exchange students answers, I think it is the American one. Then their first line of offense charges towards my classmates. As the A class students charge, Yoshida and Muramatsu break away from the defense and run towards them, both of them colliding with the American exchange student who easily overthrows both of them and launches them off the field and onto the surrounding track, rolling right to the edge by the fence.

"Two men down. And not just down, flung to the bleachers." The announcer says. The girls in my class gasp in concern.

"Sir, this is already a disaster! It doesn't matter how tight the defense is if all they do is get picked off." Kayano says to Korosensei. That's true, but I know they have a plan. Karma didn't tell me all the specific details, but he assured me that they weren't as helpless as they would initially look. I'll just have to believe in them until I see it. Somehow, our class always seems to have a way to get out of things like this anyways. The American walks alarmingly close to our pole, panicked looks on most of my classmates faces.

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