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There are no one around and she already asked all the maid near the area to stay away from there. Well, their land and house are as big as castle or should we call mansion?? Yeah, that's better.

"Ahrghh" you can hear a sound of a girl screaming stressing herself at there

Sera that just come home from buying her Starbucks come at the practice area of their mansion and frown.

"What are you doing??" ask Sera while take a place to sit at the chair near her friend

"Just practicing using this thing" Jungmin reply while showing her gun at Sera

Sera nod her head looking at that while sipping her coffee. "Well, good luck then"

Jungmin smile at that while try to fire another shot at the target. Ehem, I mean the board. She try and try but never once hit the bull eyes

Sera stare at there and laugh a little bit at that

"Why are you laughing?? I was trying my hard you know??" Jungmin looking at Sera with burning eyes

Sera look back at her friend face and gulp "so-sorry, it was just about your aim. Come, let me teach you how to shot and hits exactly at your target" Sera get up and take out her gun and stand beside her friend and look straight at the board while aiming the gun. "When you want to shot, you have to think, why you have to shot the target, the more anger you put on your feeling, the more chance you get to hit the bull eyes". Sera say calmly and fire a shot and hit exactly at the center of the board. "See, just like that~ come, try a shot" Sera say walk a little bit away from Jungmin to give her space to try

After hearing what Sera said, she try to aiming the center of the board and BAANNNGGGG.

Sera clapping her hand happily. " Looks! you getting better, you hit next where I hit, that was a big improvement!"

Jungmin smile not know to believe what she have done. "I did it!"

Sera nod and sit back at her chair and sip her coffee again. "Tell me, what are you thinking??" ask Sera while looking straight at her youngest member

Jungmin laugh and say. "I think about you"

Sera choke on her drink and look back at Jungmin "what??"

"I think about you, when you don't give me your food and bang, its hit my target"

"What the hell." Sera saying then run away with her coffee

"Sera!! come back!" Jungmin laughing then chase Sera like always to get what she have


But this is Jungmin right, she will never stop. Sera is her first target after all. And don't ask me until when they are like that. I also don't know


Jun at the library of her collage alone sitting at the center of the library, reading a book looking pretty like a girl crush. She really love sitting alone like that then talking to a pick me girl even though they try to recruit her in their group. I mean, she is pretty, popular, rich, smart and cool, who doesn't want to be friend with her right?? but Jun know they just want to be friend with her just because of her popularity and money so she rather spend time alone when Jungmin decide to escape her class like always.

But Jun's comfortable space and times always get disturb like always.

"Hey Jun" say one of the girl from one and only pick me girl in that collage that contain 5 members.

Jun look up from her book to see a face that she want to avoid every second of her lives if she could. "Yes??"

She smile and sit infront of her and the other member also take a sit and the table that full of silent and empty now are full

"What do you want??" Jun saying annoyingly at the girl that seems like a leader to her

Lia shake her head and smile "Nothing, Just come to say hi"

"Then, you already say it right, please, go"

Emily the other member touch her hand and say. "Calm down girl~ we just want to give you a little fun be your companion."

Jun pull her hand back "Please, no touching. I don't need the fun and your freaking companion. Just go, that will make me very happy"

"Tch" Emma another member roll her eyes. "Why did you always ask us go away, we are the girl that always make people melt and people are begging to join us, but you. You don't even have to try. We will accept you right away"

Jun shake her head. "Why do I even need to join you?? other kids are scare to even approach me, but why five of you keep coming to me?? it's annoying you know"

"Looks, that's what make us different, and you are hot and rich, like us. Of course we want you to join us"

Jun smirk "If I can get famous without you, then, its has no reason to join you. And you are famous with your parents money while me are working with my own energy. Like hell i will join you"

Lia roll her eyes. "Then, why do you even hang out like a loser and coward like Jungmin"

Jun blood get boil hearing someone talking about her friend that grew up together with her like that. She stands up and grab her hair. "Look, I doesn't have that much patient like you think, if i hear you say something to her like that again, then please know, you will never get safe" Jun threw Lia's head away from her hand and grab her back and get away from there.

While five of them are sitting there with so much embarrassment getting treat like that. That is the first time someone has ever do something like that to them.

For Jun, its great that she just do that then shot her head with a gun. How dare she talk about someone that go through all the hard time with her like that. So now she can't study at the library, so she just go to the class and wait until the lecturer come.








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