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1. About a week
2. I ran out of good fics to read so I decided to write my own(I spend a lot of my time on wattpad reading)
3. Drawing and painting
4. Fav character: Bakugo - fav show: Black Butler
5. (Y/n), does (y/n) count as a character? Who cares anyway I like (y/n) the most cuz she's kinda funny and such a mood

Next so no one asked anymore questions so I will be answering a few things that I feel need explaining.

First the upload schedule is going to be something like this.

This Friday: Izuku Aizawa
Next Friday: Demon Host
Next Next Friday: This fic

Also in the Izuku Aizawa fic I plan on having Izuku have Elsa's powers but with quite a bit of drawbacks cuz Elsa is op. So he will still have bullies cuz he can't use his quirk too much without serious repricucions, causing others to see him as useless.

Anyway if you want to see any skits, memes on any of the fics, or just have an idea for any of the fics then let me know in the comments. Also comment any other questions you might have and I'll answer them there.


Demon Hero [kny x child!reader x mha]Where stories live. Discover now