Chained up

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(Linda pov)

"Have you seen my birds?" I ask random people on the streets but all of them said no. I didn't get that much sleep that night because Tulio and I are hanging posters of Blu and (Name) so far no luck finding them.


I wake up to a kid saying "Lady, American lady." I gasp and call out for Blu but I snap back to reality and realize he is not here. I look up at Tulio and he says "Oh!" With a really surprised face. I look at the kid who woke me and Tulio and he looked surprised as well "wow. I know where your birds are." The kid continues.

"You found Blu? Are you sure?" I say trying not to get my hopes up, but then the kid showed me a blue feather that belonged to Blu "It's his!" I say with joy.

"Let me see that." Tulio takes the feather and double-checks in the weirdest way possible. "Hmm. You're right." The kid and I look at Tulio with confused faces but I quickly change the subject by saying "Okay. Where are they?"

"Come on. Let's go. I'll take you to them." He said ushering me to wherever Blu and (Name) were.

"No, no, no, Linda, Linda, wait," Tulio says stopping me from going with the kid. "We don't know this boy. We can't trust him."

"I have to trust him. I don't have a choice."

(Your pov)

Blu, Jewel, and I are tugging a rope as one of Blu's plans to break the chain and be free. "Are you sure this is going to work?" 

"Positive. Check out my math." Blu says pointing to a map of what to do on the ground.

"Yeah, that's... that's comforting. Thank you. Look let's just get this chain broken."

"Right. Then we go and find Linda."

"No, you two can go find Linda. Once this chain is off, I'm going to go back to being free in the jungle. Deal?"

"Fine. Deal." As Blu says this he accidentally unties the rope and activates his plan, it would have worked if his beak didn't latch on to the rope, now Blu, Jewel, and I are being dragged pretty fastly and we fall on top of the big rock that was supposed to cut the chain.

"Nice try, brainiac," Jewel says as we get back on our feet.

"I think something's watching us." I look in the direction Blu was looking and we see a baby Toucan pop out from behind a rock, and another one pops out shortly after, they jump on Blu and Jewel.

"Oh, be careful Blu. They might snuggle you to death." Jewel says teasingly.

"Aw, come here," he says before the baby Toucan starts ripping out his feathers Blu screams in pain while I go in and try to pull the bird away from my brother. I succeed in getting one away but another Toucan baby was getting Jewel. Now there are about eight baby Toucans attacking Jewel and Blu, I don't know why they don't attack me though.

"What's going on down there?" we hear, while Blu and Jewel are being jumped on like a fluffy pillow. "Go, go, go. Off with you." we hear the father Toucan say. The kids start trampling the father "guys I've told you a thousand times. Manuela, Sofia, come on, now. Listen to me. Ow! Oh, yeah, right in the eye."

"Oh, precious, aren't they?" Jewel says sarcastically as she and Blu finally stand up.

"Haha kids? seventeen of them, and one on the way. Hey! He's not a maraca! Stop shaking him! They're giving me gray feathers. Oh, this papa needs a break." He says slumping his wings, soon after he starts speaking as nothing happened.

"So, you two lovebirds headed for Carnaval?" I laugh at the remark "lovebirds"

"Woah, ha, lovebirds?"

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