Fly love

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(Your pov)

"In your little monkey dreams," Jewel says as she spits at the ground in front of the leader monkey.

"yeah," Blu says but fails to spit instead he just leaves a disgusting trail of saliva. I look at Blu with a disgusted and confused look.

"That was meant for you," Blu says trying to sound intimidating the money laughs.

"Come on. Can we all just get along?"

"This isn't your fight big nose." The monkey laughs and was about to hit Rafi but one of the party birds stops him.

"You mess with my friends, you mess with me."

"And us!" all the birds say together.

"Yeah, little King Kong." after Pedro says this we hear a steady tense drumbeat one of the monkeys was making. We birds and the monkeys stare at each other until one makes a move.

"Birds versus monkeys!" Pedro yells out making us all charge at each other. Rafael and I are back to back fighting while Nico and Pedro are throwing grapes at the monkeys, Blu and Jewel are working out how to fight with the chain, eventually, they get used to it. Suddenly I hear the trolley go by and I see the others see it too.

"Come on, we got to go," I say as I and Rafael fly towards it. I realize that Blu and Jewel were trapped by monkeys one of the birds grabs their chain and flies to the trolley. A monkey grabs Blu's wing and the other monkeys grab onto that monkey making a monkey chain. I notice Nico and I say "Nico!" as I throw his cap like a frisbee signaling to fix the monkey chain, he understands, he throws his cap and makes it go back to him in one perfect shot. After he says "Take that, you funky monkey." I laugh and get back to Rafael.

"Thank you!" Blu says after he gets on the trolley.

"Anytime!" the bird says now flying away.

"That's what I'm talking about!"

"Oh, man, we threw down!"

"Yeah, we threw down."

"You guys were like fire and ice." I fly on top of Blu's head because of its emotional support maybe because I like being tall.

"Thunder and lightning."

"Hip and hop."

"Cheese and sprinkles!" Blu and I say at the same time everyone stops in their tracks.

"It's a Minnesota thing," Blu says breaking the silence we all just laugh.

"You see. Nothing you say makes any sense."

~Timeskip to sunset~

I sit in the back with everyone but Blu and Jewel. We are seeing if Blu will make a move or not because it's a beautiful scenery and if he didn't make a move he would regret it. We see that Blu is in fact not making a move so I nudge Rafael in the shoulder and motion to make him.

"Psst," Rafael says getting Blu's attention and motions to get closer.

"Don't worry, I got it." Blu whispers he moves closer to Jewel slowly so she wouldn't notice.

"There he goes," I say happily.

"That's my boy!" Rafi says smiling. Blu tries to put an arm around Jewel but she notices midway and Blu takes back his wing quickly.

"Ooh! is it hot? I-I think I-I'm sweating. I didn't even think that was biologically possible, and yet...look." Blu says as he shows his underwing.

"Oh. Wow." Jewel says uncomfortably. I groan and hide my head under my wing out of second-hand embarrassment.

"Yeah, that's your boy, all right," Nico says making me laugh making my embarrassment go away a little.

"Okay, so he needs a little help. Oh, come on, let's give him some. Set the mood." 

"All right, look, I'm on it. I know how to set... the mood. Check it out"

(rapping) Get a, get a, get a, get a, get a girl 

Get, g-get, g-get, get, get a girl 

Take her take her to the floor Show her show her how you roll 

Drop it, drop it. Drop it low, drop it low dr-drop it...

"Whoa, whoa. What kind of mood is that?" Rafael says as I stop applauding in the background and look at Rafi confused, Nico saw my confused face and laughed, before flying up to Pedro.

"Pedro, Pedro, a little too aggressive," Nico says flying over to Pedro.

"Not hatin' on your creativity, but I think I got this one." Nico takes off his cap and whistles a lovely tune Pedro follows his lead by plucking accompaniment making a nice rhythm. Rafi and I fly towards the pink trees and make the petals fall one by one making beautiful scenery.

Wasn't really thinking, wasn't looking

Wasnt searching for an answer

In the moonlight, when I saw your face

"Wow," Jewel speaks up "What a beautiful sunset." I fly back down to the back of the trolley so I can see what happens next, Rafael coming with me so he can be a good wingman for Blu.


"Psst Blu? Down here. Just tell her "you have beautiful eyes.""

"That's good. Great idea."

"I have beautiful eyes," Blu says and I laugh trying to be quiet.

"Uh... yeah, okay, sure, they're-they're nice."

"No! Her eyes! Her eyes!"

"Oh, right. Yeah, your eyes. Your eyes are great, not mine. I mean, you know, mine are okay, but yours, uh, I bet you can see right through them."

"Blu!" Just tell her how you feel." 



"I-I've been wanting to tell you... That I... That I..." He says before he chokes on a petal I watch in horror as it was just getting good.

"How sweet. You're getting choked up. Oh! Oh, you're choking! Uh... okay, all right." she says as she performs the Heimlich maneuver  Nico keeps singing so I tap him on the shoulder lightly and I point to Blu and Jewel. We all watch not even worried about Blu's health because he messed up so many times he deserves this (/j).

"Yep, that's my boy." Nico and I gesture a bomb dropping and exploding.


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