The truth

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Changbin continued crying inside the car while San drove him home.

"I still don't know how Wooyoung will cope with this. I hope you know what you are doing!" He wiped his tears away as he looked at San.

"I do know what I'm doing but I don't know how he will react. I also don't know if he still wants to see me or talk to me." San pressed his lips together, unsure of Wooyoung's reaction.

Arriving at the apartment, Changbin went ahead and San followed. Both were tense.

They went inside as Felix came around the corner.

"I heard Wooyoung crying. Don't know if it's such a good idea to bring him here." Felix calmly stated and came forward to kiss Changbin.

"There is an explanation for everything. San has showed me something that Wooyoung has to see." Changbin said and smiled at his boyfriend.

"Try getting him out of there! We couldn't get through to him." Felix turned to San and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"I will go to bed now. I need a few hours of sleep before functioning again." Changbin left San's side without turning around again.

"I will be in the living room, if you need any help you are more than welcome to ask!" Felix reassured San and left him as well so that San can go to Wooyoung.

San knocked firmly onto the wooden door and patiently waited for a response from the smaller.

Nothing changed. It was still quiet inside the room.

"Wooyoung-ah, it's me, San. Could you let me in so that we can talk about your letter? I would like to know why you suddenly ended things without telling me your reason!" San calmly asked.

Behind the door San could hear shuffling. But the door didn't open.

"Changbin told me that you were sad that I was so busy. I'm sorry if I left you alone and you felt abandoned." San spoke.

"But I have a reason and I am ready to tell you what I was doing after work and I promise you that I did not do something bad. At least in my opinion." San continued while leaning his head onto the door.

All of a sudden, the door was ripped open and San fell, head first, inside. As he fell, he tore Wooyoung to the ground as well but managed to turn them both around so that both laid now on the floor with Wooyoung on top of him. The smaller clenched San's shirt as he trembled and wept bitterly into the older's chest.

San immediately stroke the smaller one's hair and hugged him tightly.

"Are you okay?" San asked softly, still holding onto Wooyoung.

Wooyoung didn't answer but stopped crying and sniffling was heard.

"Do you want to see what I was secretly doing behind your back? You can decide afterwards if you want to continue to hate me or not!" San tried to get himself and Wooyoung into a sitting position so that he could see Wooyoung's reaction.

Wooyoung only nodded as he and San locked eyes and the older reached forward to stroke Wooyoung's tear-strained cheeks.

"Come with me!" San stood up and held his hand out for Wooyoung to take.

The drive to the city center was very quiet. Almost uncomfortably quiet. San didn't want to force Wooyoung to talk so he kept quiet as well.

As they approached the building, San noticed that Wooyoung was becoming nervous. He put his hand on his knee and was aware that he might not tolerate body contact, but noticed how Wooyoung calmed down and seemed to be okay with it.

San parked the car in the parking lot and stayed in the car with Wooyoung. He didn't want to take Wooyoung off guard and waited for some reaction from the younger one. When he lifted his head and looked at the building that was now where his parents' bakery was before, which was being torn down, Wooyoung tore the car door open and stared desperately at the building.

San got out of the car as well and walked around to where the smaller stood.

"Noooo! The only memory that remained of my parents was simply built over." Wooyoung cried out loud and fell onto his knees. San knelt down beside him and tried to get him onto his feet again.

"Why did you bring me here?" Wooyoung grabbed San's shirt and leaned his head onto San's chest.

"Because this is what I've hidden from you. For six months. Why it took me longer to come home after work."

"You were the one who planned this? Do you hate me this much to break me completely?" Wooyoung yelled.

"I made the right decision to leave you. How could you be so cruel?" Wooyoung questioned San while tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Don't say things you might regret later on!" How about we go inside and you see for yourself?" San reached out to take Wooyoung's hand, who wanted to withdraw but San got a hold and gave him the key.

Wooyoung walked to the door and you could see his nervousness. His hands were shaking like crazy and he just managed to put the key in the lock.

Wooyoung took a deep breath as he opened the door and entered. Inside, he couldn't believe his eyes. Everything looked so real but felt like a dream. Wooyoung was speechless. He was in his parents' bakery, or at least in the same establishment. Everything was like it had been, 15 years ago. Just like he remembered. He missed his parents very much, and even after a long time, it didn't leave him unharmed. Next to the counter there were two large pictures. One of his parents and the other with him when he was a baby. Wooyoung was petrified. It didn't feel real until San joined him.

"The only thing this place would need is a chef and a name." San calmly spoke as he put a chef jacket over Wooyoung's shoulders.

"What?" Wooyoung didn't understand what was happening. He felt overwhelmed by everything.

"You dream of your own bakery, your parents wanted to bequeath their bakery to you, you bake excellent and you were simply born to do it." San smiled and took Wooyoung's hand into his.

"I can't believe it. How did you get all this done?" Wooyoung asked.

"Actually, the furniture and everything else was stored in a warehouse. After all these years. I had informed myself about all the furnishings and what happened to them until one evening I received a call that everything had being stored.

"How can I ever repay you for this?" tears flowed down the younger's cheeks again.

"How about stay with me until the very end?" San smiled and Wooyoung nodded.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't trust you! I love you so much!" Wooyoung confessed as he hugged San tightly.

"It's okay. It's understandable and I love you too!" San reassured Wooyoung and they shared a sweet, loving kiss.


First of all, I know that you can't just open a bakery without having the authorization to prepare and sell food, but we're in a fanfiction so let me just state it this way.

And of cource you need an apprenticeship to begin with but again, we're in a fanfiction.

The next chapter will be the last one and I am definitely going to include some smut because this story definitely needs some spicy hot scenes😂

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