One Night Stand?

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I know I haven't finished Serial Killers yet but this came into my mind and I just had to write it down :)))


Wooyoung's POV

A low but penetrating hum woke me up. Annoyed, I tried to bury myself in the soft pillow under my head and pulled the blanket over my head. When nothing worked, I stuck my hand out from under the covers to reach for the bedside table. Perplexed my hand rested on the unknown object. I felt around the area and wondered why it seemed so unknown to me. Curious, I pulled the object under the covers and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what it was. A torn open condom packaging.

My heart beat faster and a soft film of sweat formed on my forehead. My breathing got faster and harder too. I tried to remember yesterday, but only got a terrible throb of my head in response. Surely I couldn't have been so deceived that I couldn't remember anything, right?

Shocked, I tore the covers off of my head and sat up. Now I also realized that I wasn't in my room as the surroundings seemed strange to me. A huge room almost three times the size of my own. A large bed, a huge closet with a mirror front in which I reflected. I grabbed my neck and noticed all the hickeys. I must have had a real blast last night, huh? I wondered and a slight smile formed on my lips.

Whoever was so rough with me yesterday has it really, I quietly said to myself when the door next to the closet suddenly opened and a half-naked man stood in the doorway. I quickly threw myself back into the soft bed and closed my eyes, totally forgetting the humming. Maybe he didn't notice that I'm already awake.

"Wow, what a late riser." I heard. His voice was just as sexy as he looked. Omg Wooyoung what a hot guy you've been fishing for. I was happy inside when the man spoke to himself again.

"The first one who doesn't run away in the middle of the night. Maybe he's finally the right one." My heart is beating so fast, I think I'm going to have a heart attack. He hopes I'm the right one? Somehow cute. I turned around in bed and slowly opened my eyes. Stretching, I gave a low squeak and saw how he smiled at me.

"Ahmmm. Good morning. Would you like some coffee?" He paused for a moment and looked at me with a smile before speaking again.
"Are you hungry? My housekeeper has baked fresh bread."

I am petrified. It can only be a dream. How did I deserve such a polite man when I am otherwise never treated like that. Since he was still looking at me questioningly, I nodded slightly and gave him a smile as well.

"I put out a towel for you to shower and some new clothes. Yours got a little dirty yesterday. " He said with a wink and left the room.

After a refreshing shower, I dressed and left the room. Outside the room, I stood astonished. I don't know how I got here, but this house is so damn big. I looked down a long hallway that led to a staircase. Several white modern doors interrupted the flicker-colored walls.

The railing of the stairs meandered down in a decorating way. Arrived in the lower area, I turned around again briefly and was amazed. You could see through the stairs and what I saw was really amazing. A huge aquarium completely stretched under the stairs. It must be tailor-made so accurately it filled every corner under the stairs.

I stopped in front of the aquarium and admired it for a while when I heard footsteps behind me.

"I knew you would be stuck here!"

I turned around and saw him walk over to me and take my hand in his.

"Come and eat something first. I can show you everything later if you want." With a grin on my face, I let myself be led into the kitchen. The whole house, or at least what I saw so far, was perfect all around. Everything is coordinated and fit together exactly.

I sat down in the kitchen across from him and we started to eat. So many questions came up in my head and he seems to have noticed that I was nervous because he started talking.

"Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I can see it in your face!" He smiled. His laughter is like music to my ears, I thought to myself.

"Okay. Uh, where do I start?" Eventually came out of me. Oh, God, I'm nervous.

"I don't know if you remember because you drank a lot yesterday. My name is San and we harmonized very well at the party yesterday, which then went on in my bed." He said right in my face.

I've already thought that much. I replied shyly and looked at him.

"May I ask what you work as? The house is very large and very modern designed and furnished?"
I didn't know if I would break a barrier with such a question, since we were only a one night stand, but it literally tickled me to know.

"Yes, of course you can. I work as an architect. I designed and built my house myself."
It's the first time I've been treated like this from a one night stand. Normally I would have been thrown out for superfluous questions long ago or, as I have been lately, beaten. There was something about this man that was different from the other guys. Ever since I was a child, I have had the recurring need to learn new things and, in particular, to get to know the hidden, even if my curiosity annoys many people and is not particularly popular, I just can't help it.

Really? I spat out.
Should I tell him I'm going to start working as an assistant in an architecture firm? No. Then I come across as pushy again. And maybe he doesn't even care. I thought to myself.

When we finished eating, I thanked him and prepared for my trip home. The house tour was totally forgotten and we were already standing in front of my apartment building in his luxury car.

"Thanks again for everything" burst out of me and I looked over to him in the driver's seat.

I put my hand on the door handle and just as I was about to open it, I felt a warm hand wrap around my other wrist.

"Will we see each other again?" He asked out of nowhere and I felt my cheeks turn red and hot.

"I dont know. Depends on." I smiled at him. I can't believe he wants to see me again. Someone please pinch me.

"Is it reason enough if you give me your phone number and I call you so that I can give you the promised house tour?" He said with a playful tone in his voice. Is he just getting down to one thing or has this man just really shown interest in me?

Without hesitation, I took a piece of paper out of my jacket's pocket and wrote my number on it. I made sure that he could actually read it and said goodbye to him.

As soon as I got out of the car I noticed the lack of smell of his perfume. As I was about to start walking, I heard the car window drop and I turned around again.

"Oh and, you know my name but I don't know yours at all!" He called out of the car. With a big grin on my face I replied with Wooyoung and saw how his eyes shone. He must have wondered what my name was all along.

"Then. See you next time, Wooyoung!" He lifted a hand from the steering wheel and waved to me.

See you next time, San! I replied back and also waved in anticipation for the next time.

Curvy Affection - woosanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें