[Prologue: A New Genesis]

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A/N: the start of the story will happen on a planet where he begins and will do face challenges in the planet but it will be very short, just detailing of what he has managed to create before he will be able to find the means to travel to other realities or universes where the real fun will begin so I hope you all will enjoy it.
(Mc POV)

Confusion filled his mind as he couldn't guess what the hell was happening right infront of him.

There he was standing on top of a large pile of black rock that was painted in complete black as though it had burned by something very hot.

A question that quickly was answers when red and molten liquid was flowing in a river made of it.

On the far side of where he was standing yet even with the distance the heat could have reach him and would have made him feel the pain or the heat or even possibly have his skin burned.

But reality says otherwise as he stands there completely unharmed and okay with no burnt marks or anything like that which had made him even more confuse than before of what the heck is going on.

He thought about what happened before he ended in this weird and also very crazy situation he was in

Definitely everything around him wasn't a dream at all as in no way that he would not feel anything.

Well aside that he can't feel pain yet he is still able to feel regular things that human does.

Including the awful smoke which doesn't seems to affect him at all in any way, that definitely defy all known facts that many believe, that no human could survive in such a environment.

Lava flowing everywhere check, dark gas clouds filled with carbon dioxide, and other lethal elements that could heat up a planet atmosphere. Oh that was definitely another check.

Volcanoes around him blowing and churning our molten metal of different kind along with boulder size fireballs flying into the sky before falling back down to the ground below that is another check.

Acidic storms that dropping thousand tons of acid that could burn any human skin another check again.

Him being alive and his entire body seems to have not been affected in any way that should have been impossible now that was something crazy to see.

And all of this thinking happen in short span of not even a second has past by.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF HEAVEN IS GOING ON." He breathes back the air that could have killed him as he calmly keep his thoughts from panicking and the odd feeling of dread creeping into him as he try to throw that feeling away.

But it didn't help the fact that he seems to be thinking at a speed that makes all the combined computer on earth to look all like absolute garbage that has wasted the effort of making it all.

Only made the uneasiness he was feeling to be increase tenfold as he hastily think of how the heck did he ended up in this situation.

Mind moving faster even more than before that honestly was making even the most greatest of geniuses across existence to look like they are trying but mere babies against a nigh all-knowing primordial entity that can build universe with a thought of there minds.

Time itself look as though it halted and everything around him came to a stop yet he ignored this and continue to think how and why did he got himself pulled into this bizarre situation.

He remembers that he was asked by his sister if he could buy some supplies she needed in school and he the loving and supporting brother he was agreed and headed out to the mall to buy it all for her.

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