"'M only askin' 'cause 'm curious, before ya ask." The blonde was quick to state, as he'd gotten accustomed to how Sakusa could jump to suspicion on just about any question.

"After we.. split, how'd handlin' yer phobia go..? Not that it's my place t' be questionin' but-"

"-'Tsumu." Sakusa chimed in, cutting Atsumu off and making him look over. More specifically, look Sakusa in the eyes.

Green, that same dark green that could ever so easily be mistaken for the deepest shade of black.

"I already now what you're thinking, and I hate to say it, but at first it got worse." Sakusa nodded, more to himself than anything as he watched Atsumu nod slowly — seemingly unhappy hearing his answer.

"However, I didn't dwell on it. Family's always around and they still helped me out." The dark-haired smile a little. "A lot of things are pretty similar, I've guessed you picked that up by now — but I've gotten used to being around people more. As long as they're at a reasonable distance."

Hearing that, was something Atsumu both loved and hated. Loving what he was told would've been obvious, Sakusa had worked to improve his complications with his worst fear and that, well it was amazing.

The part he wasn't too happy about was knowing there was a period of time it had gotten worse, and never the less a period of time he was apart of. Knowing just how Sakusa was back in high school, thinking of his phobia worsening — it seemed horrible.

"Oi, 'Tsumu." Sakusa called, making the hesitant move to place a hand on Atsumu's.

His voice and that same touch brought Atsumu back around, said blonde focusing back on everything around him as he'd just spaced off.

"Get out of your head, I already know what's going on in there." Sakusa sighed softly. "What happened happened, that was almost a good three years ago."

"I know, I know, but ya can't really blame me for feelin' bad, can ya?" Atsumu let a soft get not entirely playful chuckle slip.

He'd probably feel worse if it weren't for the now ever so evident feeling of Sakusa's hand, he didn't even bother question. Instead, Atsumu internally risked a chance and took the dark-haired's hand as well, unknowingly earning a small smile from Sakusa.

"'M proud of ya Kiyoomi, seriously." The blondes' tone was, without a doubt, completely sincere. "I got the gist it wasn't easy, but ya still worked on yer phobia anyways, that takes a lot'ta will."

It wasn't often this kind of thing would be heard from Atsumu, nevertheless, something that meaningful.

"Thank you." Sakusa for once, didn't have a hint of sarcasm or a cold tone underlying his voice — it was warm and genuine.

Atsumu simply nodded at this, his eyes then wondering to the waters ahead where the sun was setting. However, his gaze was the only one on the water, as all Sakusa seemed able to do was look at the blonde next to him.

He missed this, or more importantly, he missed Atsumu. And a lot at that.

"I missed this ya know, us bein' able t' spend time t'gether." The blonde spoke, his tone still as soft and genuine as before.

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