"Stiles your dad" Alex pointed

Stiles looked over as seen the blood seeping through his fathers uniform, unguarding himself from his girlfriend he rushed to his dads side.

Alex checked on the banshee, seeing she was okay she took a crouched position besides Stiles, about to take Noah's hand to help his wound, Stiles grabbed her arm, stopping her from doing so

She looked at him with furrowed brows "what are you doing?" She asked

"Im not letting you do that, not after yesterday" he shook his head

Using his uninjured arm, Noah waved his hand "you don't need to, I'll be okay" he reassured the girl, knowing that basics of yesterday's plans and what stiles had filled him in last night. He too agreed that she needed the break from healing


Noah was rushed to hospital soon after being shot. Alex was sitting outside the room, hoping all was okay.

She wasn't expecting to see this place so soon after yesterday, after waking up she was forced to have tests taken. After all, she did come back from the dead.

All she could think about was how she felt when she woke up, she was suppose to be happy, happy to be alive but all she felt was disappointment. Disappointment that she couldn't dream for longer, disappointment that she has woken up. She never really expected to come out of it alive and what scared her the most was how okay with it she was.

Right now she couldn't think of that, not when stiles dad was in a hospital bed. Right now she had to be there for him.

Alex stood from her chair as the hospital door opened "is he okay?"  She asked

Stiles nodded "yeah, the morphine's kicked in. It just sucks, we really didn't need any more bills"

Alex took her boyfriend's hands, looking up to his hazel eyes. They were slightly puffy from the few tears he'd allowed himself to shed "let me help" she offered "I can ask my dad and that way you and your dad don't have to worry, he can always pay it back"

Stiles shook his head not daring to let the suggestion ponder in his mind. He refused to take a hand out from his girlfriend, he loved and appreciated her but this was too much

"no way Alex, I'm sorry I love you and I love your willingness but I can't take your money. My dad wont take it"

"I just hate to see you struggle" she frowned "but I also know that things will work out, and my offer is always there"

Stiles brought his hand to Alex's cheek, holding it softly "did I ever tell you just how much I love you?" He asked

Alex smiled "I don't think"

"I love you so so much, i don't know what id do without you."

Alex wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, stiles rapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her body to his and she let her head on his chest.


Stiles didn't get to spend long in the hospital before he and Alex were called off to help. Lydia had explained everything to Derek and Scott, showing them the code she had found from her grandmother.

𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘿 // 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙞Where stories live. Discover now