Chapter 9: We Can't Panic About The Time Limit

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Eventually Monokuma and the Monokubs left.  Eventually it sunk into everyone that the killing game is continuing and not everyone could be trusted. No one knows everyone's true motive of how desperate someone will get from now until the time limit. But everyone had to keep their eyes open.
"W-We can't panic about something like this. I' something about it." Kaito declared with a look of uncertainty.
"Kaito even if the exit to escape was right in front of your face and the only thing you had to do was walk to the door and not trip. You would trip and fail. You're not going to do nothing." You spat folding your arms and looking at him.

"Why you—!" Kaito growled.
"Did you have a course of action and in mind?" K1-B0 interrupted. "Maybe if you have a plan Y/N will believe in you."
Kaito looked at K1-B0 then at you and sighed. "I'm gonna start thinking of one right now!" Kaito yelled determination in his voice.
"Hmm it appears Y/N might be right." K1-B0 muttered.
"She isn't right! She's right about a lot of things and smart and sorta strategic and pretty cute but not right about this! Kaito screamed forming a fist and you saw Maki give you a weird look and then sigh.
"Did you just call Y/N...?" Shuichi mumbled not uttering the word and staring blankly at Kaito and him and Kaito just stared at each other.

"W-We gotta fight back then...!" Gonta exclaimed in a deep low voice that almost sounded like a howl with sweat dripping on his face.
"Fighting won't work with the Exisals we'll just be killed." You reminded everyone.
"But Gonta use body keep everyone safe!" Gonta yelled.
"Gonta you can protect us in other ways. But getting yourself killed isn't going to help us." You softly spoke looking at Gonta who just sighed knowing that you're right.
"Y/N we've no time to be indecisive. We are urged to make a decision..." Korekiyo trailed off pointing his finger at you. "To die fighting... Or die from the time limit."

"How come both options involve us dying!" Tenko yelled her eyes wide.
"Relax and stop screaming. I won't let you guys die. I'll think of a plan and save everyone. I won't let everyone die that's a promise." You assured everyone.
"You're pretty confident Y/N. Well I'm gonna survive! I'm gonna make it no matter what!" Kokichi cried tears streaming from his eyes.
"Wait! You can't do that though! Even if you make a mistake you can't!" Kaede pleaded staring at Kokichi.
"Then you'll accept the blame?" Kokichi asked.
"What blame?" You asked.

"Will you accept the blame if I die? I have people who'll be sad if I die y'know." Kokichi smiled.
"U-Um...Well—" Kaede stuttered looking at the ground.
"I'll accept the blame for Kaede." You interjected and then Kokichi stared into your E/C eyes with a small grin on his face. "I promise I'll think of a plan for us to get out of here. I don't want any of you to die I want us all to be friends and get along so if any of you were to die I'll accept that blame and carry it with me!" You vowed tears pricking your eyes and Kokichi had a sinister smirk on his face.
"You are interesting. But I was lying. No one will be sad if I die. I can't say the same for everyone else so it's nice that you'll accept that blame." Kokichi grinned.
"I'll slightly care if you die..." You heard someone say but it was barely audible and no one else seemed to notice. It was if it was an inner voice but you knew someone in the room said it. You just didn't know who.

"Y/N do you really think you can save everyone?" Shuichi asked.
"Honestly I'm not sure but I know that I won't give up and I won't let Monokuma win! I'll end this killing game somehow even if it's the last thing I do." You responded and Shuichi simply nodded. You walked over to him and grabbed his hand causing him to look up at you. "Shuichi I need your help. I need you to walk this path with me and help me end this killing game."
"Y-Y-Y/N..." Shuichi stuttered and turned away.
"Awwww they love each other." Miu mocked sticking her tongue out.
"Degenerate male! Trying to woo Y/N!" Tenko screamed.
"It's not like that!" You and Shuichi exclaimed blushing and Kaede giggled.
"Well you two I'll help you guys out as well. I'll do anything and everything I can." Kaede smiled.

"Bleck all this friendship and good vibes from those three I can't take it I'm going to my room. Aloooone." Kokichi smirked and walked out of the dining room.
"Is that an invite for me to go and kill you?!" Miu yelled.
"Miu?" Kirumi asked tilting her head in a stern and serious tone.
"N-Not that I'd try to claim that perk for myself... I'm too classy for that!" Miu nervously yelled and then rushed out of the dining hall.
"Miu you better not do anything shady okay!?" Kaede called out after her.
"There is no need to worry is there? No one is going to...kill anyone?" K1-B0 nervously asked and even though he is a robot you could tell there was genuine fear that someone would participate in this game.
"If someone is going to kill they should just go for the robot." Himiko sighed.
"That's even worse!" K1-B0 shouted.

After talking and arguing some more slowly but surely more people began to leave and they said they wouldn't participate in the game. Whether it was a lie or not well you just had to believe in them and no matter what they do be able to face the truth. However odds are that everyone is going to die together rather than live. Pretty soon it was just You, Shuichi, Kaede, Gonta, Rantaro, Kaito, Kirumi, Tenko and Himiko.

"Why everyone scatter...?" Gonta sadly asked.
"This is exactly what Monokuma wants us to do...So what else is part of his plan?" Rantaro asked. "Is my memory part of it too? If it is then...can I even trust myself?"
"What are you going on about?" You asked looking at Rantaro.
"What are you going on about she if she cares what happens to us..." Rantaro creepily said and it looked as if he was making a mental note of everything in his head. "Hey I have a question. This might sound a little weird but does the term Ultimate Hunt ring a bell for anyone?"

"Ultimate...Hunt...?" You asked but the term didn't ring any bell to you.
"What is that?" Kaede asked.
"Nothing forget it." Rantaro ordered.
"What do you mean Rantaro?" Kirumi asked.
"It's nothing really. I'm just a bit confused is all. Everyone's a little anxious about not being able to remember how they got here right? Well in my case not only am I dealing with that I also can't remember my talent. So I guess I'm asking you to...bear with me if I say things that don't make sense sometimes." Rantaro said with a small smile and then began to walk out the room.

As he was walking out you grabbed onto his arm and he stopped and looked at you with a surprised expression.
"If you need someone to talk to...I'm always here." You whispered to him and then let go of his arm. He gave you one last look and then left without saying a word and the only sound in the dining hall was the sound of him walking away that echoed through everyone's ears.

"He certainly is strange." Kaede commented.
"A bit mysterious." You said and she nodded agreeing with you.
"Don't do anything stupid all right guys! I'll do something about this. I just dunno what yet..." Kaito sighed and then looked at you. "Y/N I just want to let you know that if you figure out a plan you can count on me if you need help!"
"Y/N you can't rely on degenerate males but you can rely on me and Himiko!" Tenko cheerfully smiled.
"Ugh helping people...what a pain..." Himiko grumbled. You gave them a smile and then Kaede pulled you over to her and Shuichi.
Shuichi Y/N what should we do?" Kaede frowned.

"We need to move." Shuichi whispered.
"Huh? Move?" You asked.
Shuichi then grabbed your hand and Kaede's arm and pulled you both closer to him.
"This morning before I came to the dining hall I noticed dust from the card reader on the floor." Shuichi whispered in a hush voice.
"In the library right?" You whispered back.
"Yes." Shuichi nodded.
"Shuichi can I help you in any way?" Kaede asked.
"Of course I need both you and Y/N to help me." Shuichi answered. "But we should go. We shouldn't be talking in the open like this."
"What's up with you guys? What're you whispering about?" Kaito asked looking at you three perplexed.
"Oh it's nothing." You answered.
"Yeah we're just going to check on something!" Kaede exclaimed her face completely giving away that you three are hiding something.
"And that thing you want to check is a secret?" Kaito asked scratching his head.

You walked up to Kaito with a smile on you face and looked into his eyes and touched his arm. "Kaito please trust us we aren't doing anything stupid as friends you should have trust in us. I'll show everyone that we can escape just believe in me...please."
Kaito looked at you and then looked at the ground. "Just don't get yourselves hurt okay?"
"It's okay I won't get hurt not when I have my brave hero Shuichi with me!" You giggled pointing at the Ultimate Detective who's face was as red as a beet.
"Huh....Oh! I erm...I..." Shuichi blushed looking away and concealing his face with his hat causing you, Kaito, and Kaede to laugh.
"Come on Shuichi you heard her man up! You're her hero!" Kaito yelled walking over to him and patting him on the back.
"C-C-Come on let's go..." Shuichi said still blushing and he walked out of the dining room with you and Kaede following him along.

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