Chapter 2: 17 Ultimates

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You opened your eyes and all you could see was darkness. You felt around the enclosed space you were in and you were confused.
"Where am I?" You thought to yourself. As you thought that you then heard two voices. You opened the door to see two people staring at you. A girl with blonde hair and a boy wearing a hat.
"Umm hi Y/N here." You awkwardly said looking at the two who were just staring at you. You walked out of the locker and you looked at the two.
"Can you speak? What's your name?" You asked the two.
"I'm Kaede Akamatsu." The blonde haired girl introduced.
"I'm Shuichi Saihara." The hat wearing boy said. "S-Sorry for staring its just... you look strikingly similar to the..."
"Diplomat?" You asked with a small smile.
"Yes!" They both said in unison.
"It's nice to make your acquaintance Shuichi and Kaede I'm Y/N L/N the Ultimate Diplomat." You beamed and the two gasped.
"Wh-what?!" Shuichi gasped.
"This isn't real is it?" Kaede asked. "How did you become a diplomat let alone the ultimate diplomat at such a young age we're high school students."

"That's a long story but in short I was working with the government for a bit and they noticed my skills and abilities like my leadership skills the ability to speak seven languages and my skills of persuasion and analytical ability. They had me try to negotiate peace treaties to see how well I would do and I negotiated all of them. So being the youngest and brightest they appointed me as the official diplomat but also as the Ultimate Diplomat." You explained to them leaving out some details but they looked like they were in awe.
"That's incredible Y/N!" Kaede beamed.
"Do you two know why we're in a classroom?" You asked looking around.
"N-No we're just as confused as you are ma'am!" Shuichi stuttered not making eye contact with you.
"I'm the same age as you please just call me Y/N. Ma'am makes me feel old." You laughed.
"Oh sorry Y/N." Shuichi apologized.
Just then five bears appeared right before you threw.
"Aaaaaaah!!" You and Kaede screamed. Being taken aback you felt as if you were about to fall but Shuichi grabbed your hand preventing you from falling to the ground.

"A teddy bear...?" Shuichi asked.
"N-No it's a monster! You can freak out about this!" Kaede yelled pointing at the bears.
"They look like build a bear rejects to me." You commented regaining your feet and standing upright again.
"That's so mean...You humans are the real monsters for calling us monsters!" Monotaro frowned.
"Although if we are monsters at least we're pretty monsters." Monophanie said.
"Being pretty or not is besides the point. Who are you? Why are we here?" You questioned.
"Getting right to it eh? We're the Monokubs." Monosuke answered.

"Huh Monokubs?" Kaede asked.
"Oh! You've heard of us!?" Monophanie gasped.
"Doesn't ring a bell to me." You sighed.
"N-No of course not! I've never seen walking talking stuffed animals!" Kaede yelled.
As soon as you and Kaede said that they all looked at each other and started cheering and you didn't know why.
"Why are we here? You haven't answered that yet." You reminded glaring at the Monokubs.
"And where are we? This looks like a school but..." Kaede trailed off looking around the classroom confused.
"This place is called the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles." Monotaro answered.
"Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles...?" You muttered.
"Ultimate Academy? I've never heard of a school like that." Shuichi said.
"Of course you haven't this school was made for you seventeen cretins." Monophanie answered.
"So there's fourteen more people here interesting." You thought.

"Yeah! There are seventeen Ultimates at this school." Monosuke elaborated. Your eyes widened at that statement.
"Huh? Ultimates!?" Kaede exclaimed.
"You know what Ultimates are right?" Monosuke asked and you rolled your eyes.
"Obviously we do all three of us are Ultimates here and there's fourteen more of us. So I'm sure we all know about the Ultimate Initiative Program and how it grants us perks like free school tuition, voting privileges, eligibility to run for elected office and a few more perks." You said trying to speed along the explanation.
"Don't forget your Ultimate talent anymore!" Monosuke scolded.
"Yeah! Forgetting your Ultimate talent is such a waste!" Monotaro yelled crossing his arms.
"What do you mean forgetting?" Kaede asked.
"Shut up! Quit your yappin and get started already!" Monokid yelled breaking his guitar.
"Get started with what?" Shuichi asked.
"Why exploring this Academy of course." Monotaro replied.
"Also you should introduce yourselves to the other Ultimates. Cuz you guys are all gonna do an activity together later." Monosuke darkly said.

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