Chapter 1: Getting Kidnapped and Getting New Clothes

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Dark. Cramped. And a bit cold. That is what described what you were in. You could feel your heart racing as you touched the cold metal and then you heard voices talking. A male' s voice and a female's voice. Feeling the cold metal you decided the best thing to do was push and hopefully you get out. You pushed as hard as you could and when you did you fell over.

"Owww." You groaned.
"Ack!" A male's voice shrieked. You looked up to see a boy with a hat looking at you scared.
"What have you never seen a true lady before?" You questioned with a pout.
"I-I'm sorry for screaming." The boy apologized and walked over to you and extended his hand. With a small smile you accepted it and he helped you up.
"Who are you?" The blonde haired girl questioned.
"Who am I? Who are you?" You asked.
"I asked first!" She exclaimed.
"I'm Y/N L/N pleasure to make your acquaintance." You introduced yourself.
"I'm Sh-Sh-Shuichi Saihara." Shuichi stuttered. "And this is Kaede Akamatsu."
"Do you know why we're here?" Kaede asked.
"I only remember that I was kidnapped I was walking and people threw me in a car and then I ended up here. I don't know what we're doing here in" You asked looking around and it seemed like you were in a classroom.
   "Yeah it seems like we were all kidnapped." Kaede stated.

"I wonder why they kidnapped me I'm just a regular normal teenage girl I don't have money or anything." Kaede frowned.
"Me either...I'm just a regular guy." Shuichi said. "Why did they take us to a school?"
"I have no idea." You sighed.
"Anyway this place is weird. You don't think we got caught up in something bad do you?" Shuichi worriedly asked.
"It can't be something good. Maybe we should investigate?" You suggested to the two.
"Yeah we should get out of here as fast as we can and find some help!" Kaede determinedly exclaimed.
  The three of you ran as fast you could to the classroom door and opened it up with all your strength and when you did you were greeted with a huge monster.
"Heck yeah! Found you!" The monster yelled.
You were stunned your E/C eyes were wide in horror and fear. You were so scared you felt as if you couldn't move.
"What?" Kaede asked.
"A m-monster!?" Shuichi exclaimed his voice laced with fear.
"Gah hahahahahahaha! Wooo! Hahaha!" The monster laughed.
"Th-This is bad! We need to get out of here!" Kaede exclaimed.

"You're right let's go!" You ordered looking at the blonde haired girl. Kaede then ran first and Shuichi grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. As the monster was screaming wait that was the last thing you three were doing. Using all of your strength you raced past multiple of the monsters. Your heart was pounding and your breath was shaky you haven't felt this much fear in your life. As you three were running you saw a door and frantically the three of you dove through the door and when you did you saw fourteen other high school students who also looked terrified.

"Ohhh more people have arrived." A girl spoke.
"Huh?" Kaede asked.
"Did you all get chased by that monster too!?" A boy questioned.
"We did...and we found our way here just like all of you guys did." You answered
"What...are they? What do they want with us?" Another person asked.
You looked down to see Shuichi was still clutching your hand probably because he was scared. When he noticed you looking down he quickly let go and you looked at him and saw he was nervous and blushing.
"So you guys have no clue why we're here either. Great." You sighed.
"Do you want me to check on what's happening?" A boy asked.
"No they might see you. It's best if we don't let them know that we're in here. It might by us time." You responded.
"She's right it's likely that monster still lurks nearby." A voice agreed with you.

"Who are you guys?" Kaede asked.
"And that makes 17." A voice said.
"What?" You asked confused.
"I'm talking about us. There are 17 of us all high schoolers. What do you think that means?" The voice asked.
  You looked down trying to think about it trying to come up with any solution. But you couldn't it was impossible to think of a reason of why all you guys were kidnapped and placed in a school.
"Unless it' it can't be..." You thought to yourself.
"Oh right. Didn't answer your question. I can give you my name. It's Rantaro Amami." Rantaro introduced himself. You saw him stare at you as if he was trying to figure out if he knew you  you walked up to him and slightly grabbed his tie.
"A cool name for a handsome guy though you could find a better sweater vest." You playfully teased and he laughed you then got close to his ear. "You seem to know more than you let on."
"You seem to know more as well. Maybe if we're right we'll remember this." Rantaro whispered.
"We both know that won't be the case. We wouldn't be that lucky. But try to remember me because I...remember you." You whispered back and took a step back and you saw his eyes widened.

Danganronpa Mysterious Raven Shuichi Saihara x Reader Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum