Rev proposed to Angel

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Bizz looked*

He sees Lavette , the daughter of Lance angrily storming up to him , looking pissed.

Coconuts: Uh oh....

Lavette- This was your last chance I gave it to you ! BAR. NONE !!!

Her black hair like her father turns to snakes and hissed angrily at him.

Scratch: Whoa, didn't know she can do that.

Bizz chuckles nervously.

Lavette- "Ex" ?! "Too Talkative" ?! Well that just happena this ex who is "Too Talkative" cared a lot about you so much to give you 20 chances !

Grounder gulps*

Lavette- I was really thinking about being soft with you until I got a call from my cousin that you are cheating on me the 20th time with that pink headed weasel girl ?!

Bizz: What did you expect? She's hot, unlike you, you were too talkative.

Lavette becomes hurt but she growls angrily as her snake hair hisses even louder and angrier.

Lavette- The reason why I was too talkative because I waste my time arguing with your ass every single say about you cheating on me! You make me sick ! You make me so sick that you're just so full of shit! And if Im too talkative and argumentive, it's because YOU made me this way ! All you do is think about yourself!

A mysterious person watches this: Okay this is getting too pathetic.

????: What do we do dad?

????: I'm a super god son, watch as I give Bizz a bit of help. *as his hands glowed*

Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts are in pain*

Bizz- Guys!

Nephthys- Babe!

Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts turned into big destructive robots*

Grounder: Don't worry sir, we'll destroy those pathetic pests trying to ruin your wedding!

Lavette and Keiko back.up.

Ace- Whaddya say team ? Wanna end this so we cna all go home ?

Duck- Can we chill and eat cookies after that ?

Ace- As long as you try to help yes.

Duck- Fine by me.

Ambi- Let me get in on this !

Bizz- Now !!

The robots , the Loonatics , and Ambi yell angrily as they charge at one another.

Ace jumos up and shoots his lasers at Scratch while Grounder tries to drill Slam but Slam stomps real hard and turns into a bit purple twister and fights him

Coconuts used his tail whip*

Tech dodges and uses his metal powers to tie up Coconuts .

Scratch caws angrily and tries to peck at Rev only for him to dodge in all directions.

Ambi- Hey , robot chicken!

Scratch looks at her: I'm a rooster!

Ambi- Here ! Have a TIM !!!

Similar to Balan , Ambi creates a giant chick plushie , huge than Scratch , with cat ears which jumped uo and lands on Scratch

Silva sees the purple marks on Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts, by destroying the marks, the three will turn back to normal*

Duck- Any idea babe

Silva: See those purple marks on them! We need to destroy them!

Duck- You got it !

Ace- Let's do this !

Coconuts breaks free and tries to attack Lexi but Lexi dodges and lifts Duck up who blasts the marks off of him.

Grounder tries to drill Slam but Slam grumbles and drills a huge whole on the ground underneath Grounder , causing him to fall and be dissy , ruining the marks.

Scratch growls and tries to peck at Rev but Rev quickly dodged and Ace intervenes.

Ace- Take that , chicken boy !

Ace then laser blasts his mark

Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts moan in pain as they turn back to normal*

The Loonatics , except Rev , pant heavily as he zooms over and grabbed Bizz.

Rev- You !

Bizz gulps*

Rev- You are SO LUCKY I cant kill you after what you did !

Bizz shakes*

Rev- But because Im not like you , I wont.

Rev dropped him.

Ambi- Yeah. Also if you really want to keep a girlfriend then DONT CHEAT ON HER 20 TIMES !!!

Bizz nodded yes scared*

????: Grrrrr, stupid Loonatics beat their transformation.

???: We should leave dad.

????: Good idea son, see you in season 8 Loonatics, because your familes and your future will be gone. *as they teleported away*

Angel: Rev! *hugs him crying* I thought you were really gone forever!

Rev-( Tearfully ) I thought so too.... Oh. I wanted to ask you this.

Angel looks as he takes out the beautiful ring

Angel gasps*

Rev- Angel , will you marry me ?

Angel cries: Yes! Yes I will!

Rev smiles and hugs her after putting the ring on her finger.

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