Balan's performance

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Balan zooms around them examining them with curiosity.

Balan- Aha.

Balan zooms to Tops and Arabella.

Balan- Here children , have these !.

Balan tosses them a yellow and pink chick plushies

Tops: Awwwwww!

Balan- Let's have some fun !

Balan chuckles and zooms them to the theatre and turns the lights on with the snap from his fingers

Ludel: Oh my!

Nights giggles as Balan gets on stage.

Balan- It's showtime !

Balan chuckles as he cartwheels and multiplies himself with 5 clones as they dance

Pentol: Whoa!

Jason: What the?

The plushies jumped upstage and bounced aroumd as Balan makes his clones disappear and dances before hemakes the stage into an ocean scenery and pretends to swim before he sucks everyome into a fun portal

Morty: Whaaaaa!?

Balan then makes the scenery night themed as he jumped and split between two fake buildings.

Balan- Hahaha !

Balan watches them swim in a pool as he drinks his martini before showing them to the amazing virtual dancefloor as Balan clones himself again and dances

Tops: Wowza!

Then big , small , medium and huge plushies apoeared and chirped as three chick plushies snuggle Tops and Arabella . Nights giggles.

Arabella- Awww !

Balan then snaps his fingers and makes them disappear before he sucks them back i to the rainbow portal and they return the main room as he makes rainbow fireworks shoot into the sky.

Balan- Welcome to Wonderworld !

Balan bows and finishes his dancw

They clapped*

Balan- Thank you ! Thank you so much !

Morty: You are amazing!

Balan-( Playfully ) Aww shucks , kid !

Nights smiles*

Balan- Nights , darling !

Nights-( Smiles ) Balan !

Nights hugs him*

Balan hugs her back

Nights: These are the weaselings.

Balan- Aha ! I see !

Malikai: Yep, we're the rulers of Dark town.

Balan- I see. How come I never been around here?! I should've been exploring this town centuries ago!

Malikai: Why don't we show you around Dark town?

Nights- Yeah , Balan ?

Balam- Wait really ?

Tops: Of course, Dark town is amazing!

Balan- Well. Okey dokey then !

Arabella- Oh bro ?

Malikai: Yes?

Arabella- I have a question

Malikai: Okay? What is it?

Arabella- Im helping ourt Fang getting with Clove

Malikai: Okay?

Arabella- Can I go ?

Malikai: Of course sis.

Arabella- Thank you.

Arabella leaves.

Balan- No one has ever see me before

Ludel: We're the first ones.

Tigs- How old are you?

Tops: Yeah?

Balan-....... 3,000 years old

They dropped their jaws*

Balan nodded

Nights: I'm 2,000 years old.

Balan- Really ?

Nights: Yep.

Balance- Amazing. But what will other toons think ?

Malikai: Don't be worried, my friends in Dark town will love you.

Balan- Alright them

Nights and BalanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora