Rev dropped in the river

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The next morning at the future*

Rev is at the jewelry store looking for the perfect ring*

Rev- Let's see. Which one will she like

Bizz sees him: Okay you three, remember the plan? Lead him to the forest river and then I'll clonk him on the head.

Scratch- Right

Rev sees the most beautiful ring*

Rev gasps and his eyes sparkle as he buys the ring.

Rev- This will be perfect for her

Rev was about to dash home but he bumps into Scratch*

Rev- Heywatchitbub!

Scratch: Sorry, are you one of the Loonatics we heard about?

Rev- Uhduh!Whoelse ?

Scratch: I need your help! My little brother is in the river and he can't swim! I couldn't even reach him!


Scratch: Come! Follow me!

Rev zooms into the forest

Scratch: Here we are!

Rev zooms to the river but he doesn't see anyone.

Rev- Idontseeanyone

Bizz smirks, he took out a bat and knocks Rev on the head*

Rev- Ah !

Rev falls down knocked out cold

Bizz smirks: Well done Scratch.

Scratch smirks as Grounder and Coconuts came out*

Bizz picks up Rev: Heh, I heard you want to be a ladies man right? Listen closely rooster, Angel is mine! Too bad you won't be able to see her again. And just in case you try and contact your friends. *grabs his gauntlet gives it to Grounder* Break it.

Grounder breaks it.

Bizz chuckles evilly: Hope you can swim, so long rooster boy. *drops Rev in the river*

The boys chuckled and left.

???- You guys are losers

Bizz: Who said that?

They look and see Nephthys in her gold mask with her friend Erma the Ermine

Scratch: Nephthys?

Coconuts has hearts in his eyes as he looks at Erma*

Erma looks.

Nephthys- The one and only

Scratch: It's been many years!

Nephthys- Yeah. And you are doing something lame.

Bizz: You know them?

Scratch: Not that ermine, but remember how we work for your father? Well that's when I met Nepgthys.

Nephthys- And you must be that so called immature lustful fowl who cant keep his hormones in check or to yourself

Scratch: Same old Nephthys who has the hots for me.

Nephthys- You wish. Who was the one who got her face merely destroyed from that blast I took for the team ?! Who was the one that has a cybernetic face now for your shit ?!

Grounder: What did happen?

Scratch: Um, remember how we got separated from Buzz during the search of the immortality tree.

Grounder- Yeah ?


Grounder- We failed again

Coconuts: I see.

Neohthys- Well I guess thats what you get for letting your friends hormones out of balance. Boys like you never grow up

Scratch: Oh hey babe.

Nephthys- I would say the same but Im still mad at you

Scratch: Why?

Nephtys rolled her eyes and glares as she takes off her gold mask.

Nephthys- Oh I dont know. I think leaving me after I got my fast blasted off came to mind.

Scratch: What happened?

Nephthys facepalmed.

Nephts- I got my FACE blasted off taking th hit for the team right after you fled !

Grounder: Oh....

Nephthys- ( Glares ) Mhm...

Scratch: Look at it this way, you look hotter as a robot faced bird like me.

Nephthys blushes red as she doesnt know if she should feel offended or not.

Nephthys- Whatever.

Nephthys leaves the robotic rooster.

Flashback ends...

Scratch She hasn't seen me ever since....

Nephthys- Nope. Because I didn't want to see your cowardly ass again

Coconuts: Sucks to be you.

Erma- You're lucky I cant kick you right npw.

Scratch walks over to Nephyrhis

Scratch: Babe, I'm miserable years ago without you, I'm sorry what happened in the past.

She looks at him

Scratch kisses her*

Nephthys- Mm !

Scratch gave her a hot kiss*

Nephthys blushes and feels hot as she kisses him back

Grounder covers his eyes: Ewwww.

Bizz- Im leaving now.

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